It Was All A Lie

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The trio walked through a hallway filled with different pods filled to the brim with some sort of substance and within those pods were children.

Noah stared at every single one of them with shock. From what Cecilia told him and Kiana. These kids were turned into mindless killing machines. Noah grew to hate whoever did this and thought it was an okay thing to do.

However one pod stood out because it was empty... Noah walked up to it and read the name of who used it.

"Sirin..." Noah mumbled. He looked beside the pod to see a photo of the person's face. "No way" The male couldn't believe. The person he helped back there was the Herrscher herself... why didn't she attack him?

Noah was a little confused on why he wasn't attack, but decided to question it later.

However Noah began to notice something. Kiana was getting a bit to attach to her AI mom... he is worried in what might happen when this is all over.

He didn't want to see her sad, and he definitely didn't want to see her cry. Noah watched as they talked and smiled at how Confident Kiana has been we she was around Cecilia.

Noah's hair shadowed over his eyes at what he heard next.

"Kiana, I want you to help me." Cecilia said while the younge Valkyrie listened closely. "I want to build a school for kids like you, I don't want them to turn up like this" the older women said jestering to the pods. "I want them to have a free will and help us stop the Honkai threat"

Noah was silent while Kiana promised to help Cecilia with her Project/Dream.

So it was Cecilia who gave Theresa the idea about the school.

Looking up he watched as Kiana and Cecilia walked up a ramp which continued going up.

"The Herrscher is close, she is at the top and badly wounded from the damage you two did" Cecilia said. "Thank you Kiana, I don't think I would have made it this far without your help."

Noah decided to stay out of this conversation. It was between Kiana and Cecilia.

Noticing a few enemies ahead, Noah charged forward. It was only two enemies and they were pretty standard... Sirin was running out of options... then again this is just a simulation.

Making short work of the enemies the trio continued up. They would sometimes be stopped by more enemies, but once again they were gone in seconds.

After one more floor they finally reached the top. Noah looked all around before spotting the Herrscher/Sirin who was bleeding heavily from the gunshot wound.

The Trip got their weapons ready. And without a word they attacked.


"Ugh" Sirin coughed up blood as Noah pierced her chest with his sword. He pulled out his sword and let the Herrscher's body hit the floor.

"Ya! We did it" Kiana shouted hugging Noah then hugging Cecilia who rested her hand on the girl's head. Noah watched them hug and only felt worse. The feeling in his gut grew as a grimace appeared on his face.

"Kiana, Noah?" The Knight turned to see Theresa without her hood and weapon looking at them in shock and confusion.

Noah blinked and noticed everything started to look different.

"Haha, Theresa, your too late me, Noah and mom already took care of the Herrscher" Kiana smiled pointing at the principal who looked confused.

Noah looked around and saw Cecilia was gone.

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