cosmic love

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JJ woke up before her alarm. The sun gleamed brightly through the cracks in her blinds while her curtains floated from the soft morning breeze that filled her tiny room. She threw off her covers and slowly prepared for the day, setting out her training gear so it would be ready for her when she finished her classes, and tossing her backpack over her shoulder before making the short trek to the dining hall to grab her breakfast. After downing a muffin and yogurt she made her way to for first ever college lecture, Astronomy 101.

The lecture hall was nearly full when JJ arrived, but about half way to the stage there was a chunk of empty seats. She plopped herself down and pulled out her notebook and pen. A few minutes before the lecture began, someone tapped on JJ's shoulder.

"Is this seat taken?" The guy asked. He was very attractive, tall, muscular, and dressed in familiar Yale athletic gear.

"Go for it," JJ gestured for him to sit. Now that she looked more closely, she recognized him. He was a soccer player too, JJ had seem him around campus and around the practice fields a few times, but she didn't know his name.

"This is astronomy, right?" He asked.


"Cool, then what's your sign?" He asked, seemingly in genuine.

"Scorpio, but...I'm pretty sure that's astrology," JJ laughed, winking at him.

"Oh, that's so weird, my horoscope this morning told me I would be corrected by a pretty girl," he retorted back. "Guess I don't even need this class."

JJ was milometers away from audibly snorting at that joke. A sly smile covered her cheeks. "Okay, okay. That was pretty good. I'm Jennifer. You can call me JJ."

"Oh, I know who you are JJ, but I've got a feeling you don't remember me. I'm Evan Parker." Evan said., reaching his hand out to JJ's. She shook it and tried to figure out what he meant.

"You're on the soccer team, yeah? I thought I've seen you around," JJ stated the obvious. Evan shook his head.

"Yeah, I'm a sophomore. I play center-mid," Evan explained. "But I was kind of talking about that party we were at together Saturday night."

JJ suddenly felt like her head was going to explode. Before she could ask any more questions, the Professor started speaking.

"Welcome to Astronomy 101, I am Professor Jorgensen and just to be clear, this course is going to be about Uranus, not about Ur love life, so if that's why you are here, I suggest you enroll in a business course instead." The hall chuckled a bit and the room settled in to the hour long session. As the class came to a close, JJ stuffed her notebook in to her backpack and got up to leave. Before she could though, Evan stopped her.

"Wait, JJ. Uh, I know this is a little forward, but could I maybe get your number? So we can study together?"

JJ hesitated for just a brief moment, but handed her phone off to Evan as he handed his to her.

"Thanks, I will see you around," Evan said before jogging off. JJ felt her cheeks turn an embarrassing shade of red. He was so cute, funny, and he plays soccer. But, what did he mean about the party on Saturday? She did not remember seeing him there at all. Of course, that night was still a foggy mystery to her. Her mind drifted back to the note she found in her room "-EP". Could that be "Evan Parker"?

She was a bit frazzled but made her way to her next class. It was a Creative Writing course she signed up to take with Anna, so she was excited to tell her friend about her new astronomy study buddy.

"No way!" Anna's deep golden eyes widened when she told her. "Evan Parker? He's so hot. You have GOT to hit that."

"Apparently we met on Saturday, at the party, but I still don't remember," JJ sighed.

"Oh, huh. I guess I did invite a bunch of the soccer guys, so he must have showed up after Matt and I left," Anna shrugged and went back to fawning. "Evan Parker? On your very first day of classes? JJ, you wild."

After JJ was finished with her classes for the day, she went back to her dorm to grab her training gear. As she changed, her phone buzzed.

Evan: How about a quick study session tonight? We could take turns reading the syllabus to each other. ;)

JJ chuckled and bit her lip as she read the message. What's the deal with this guy? she thought. Is he really that smooth or is he a douche?

JJ decided to press her luck he was the former.

JJ: Yes, but since I'm a Scorpio, you're going to have to take me to dinner first.

Evan: See you after practice, blondie.

JJ hauled ass to the soccer pitch. She had lost track of time a bit and was cutting it really close to missing the start of warm ups. Luckily. she got there was just a few minutes to spare. Heavy chested, she joined her teammates in their stretch circle. A few of the girls around her took notice of her unusual near-tardiness.

"Hey, Jareau," sophomore striker Sarah said. "Parker got you out of breath already, huh?"

A few other girls laughed. JJ felt her cheeks return to the hue they were this morning.

"Evan Parker?" Hallie laughed. "You be careful with him, JJ."

"Yeah," Maritza chimed in. "That guy will smother you with charm, that's for sure."

After practice, her teammates words still weighed heavily on her mind. As she walked back to get ready for her date, Anna ran up behind her. 'Are you excited?" she exclaimed.

"Uh, yeah. First college date," JJ smiled uneasily.

"JJ, look at me," Anna put her hands on both of JJ's shoulders. "Don't let what the team said bother you too much, okay? You are smart and amazing and fun and you can handle yourself, so don't worry. Enjoy your time with the hottest sophomore in this whole place. You deserve to have a good time."

JJ ordered a plate of fettuccine alfredo as she and her date sat at a small table next to the window of an Italian restaurant a block off campus. Evan made a few jokes and then asked her about her life, where she was from, what she liked and didn't like to eat, when she started playing soccer, the whole nine yards. She didn't get too much in to her life back home, but could definitely tell that they did not come from the same cloth. Evan's dad was the CEO of a Fortune 500 and his mom was a prosecutor who was a third generation Yale alum. The world that Evan grew up in was entirely different from JJ's, but she was excited by the luxury of dating a rich boy. After dinner, Evan grabbed JJ's hand as they walked back to campus. As they waited at a stop light, he leaned down and softly pecked her on the forehead. JJ could feel her cheeks turning red for the third time today. They HAD TO stop doing that.

It was pretty late when the couple arrived back at JJ's dorm. Before unlocking the door and walking in, she turned around to Evan and looked in to her bright blue eyes.

"This was really fun," JJ blurted.

"Yeah, blondie, you're a lot of fun to be around," Evan said. JJ controlled her cheeks this time and simply smiled.

"Well, I guess, I will see you in astronomy on Wednesday," JJ said as she put her key in the lock.

"Hold on, JJ," Evan said, grabbing her so she wouldn't leave. "I had a really great time tonight." He placed his hands at the base of JJ's chin and pulled her in to a kiss. It was warm, wet, and lasted a really long time, but JJ didn't want it to end. Evan released his soft grip and JJ opened her eyes.

"See you later, Scorpio" he said as he went off to his dorm.

author's note: JJ dating a man in a jemily au??? yeah sorry i'm confused too

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