put your records on

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WARNING: mature content

It was just about midnight when Emily and JJ walked through the front door of the Prentiss family home. Emily flipped the lights on to reveal a grand foyer, huge vaulted ceilings with the fanciest moldings, and a dazzling chandelier lighting up the room. It felt like a palace to JJ, whose  jaw nearly fell to the floor when the lights came on. The walls were decorated with fine art and family pictures from all over the globe . JJ was truly in another world in Emily's home.

"So, this is how the other half lives, huh?" JJ laughed. Emily smiled as she began hauling her luggage toward the grand staircase.
"Just wait," Emily laughed. JJ followed Emily up the stairs and down a hallway to a set up French doors. Sitting stoic outside the doors was a lanky green eyed black cat.
"Hey, Serg!" Emily exclaimed, dropping her bags and picking up the cat and holding him like a baby. "I missed you, buddy." She stroked the top of his head as she pulled out a key to unlock the double doors. She set the cat down and he immediately dashed to the large bed at the center of the back wall of the spacious room. "Yeah, that's what you've been waiting for, I know," Emily said to her cat.

JJ walked in to Emily's bedroom. She didn't really know what to expect, but it was nothing like Emily's dorm room. Back at Yale, Emily left her walls bare and the only decor she really had were a sad little plant that sat next to a framed picture of her and Sergio. But this room was like Emily's hidden personality. It had a soothing regality to it, but there were posters and pictures on the walls, splashes of color, and even a little fireplace surrounded by fluffy seats. Next to the bed, something special caught JJ's eye. A light blue record player and a stack of albums rested against the wall. One of JJ's favorite childhood memories was playing records in her living room and dancing with her older sister and seeing that player in Emily's room brought a wave of happy nostalgia.

"Omg," JJ blurted out.
"What?" Emily asked.
"I just love your room. It's so...different," JJ said.
"Oh, okay," Emily shrugged as she started to unpack her bags. After she got all of her and JJ's things settled, she went to the bathroom and lit the candles that lined the window sill. She breathed in the familiar scent of cinnamon and closed her eyes before she exhaled. It's good to be home.

"Em," JJ piped up from the bedroom, bringing Emily back to reality.
"Yeah, JJ?" Emily could tell something was bothering her.
"I just don't get it," JJ said. Emily raised her eyebrow at that.
"What do you mean?"
The couple walked over to the bed and sat down next to each other. Sergio came over to nestle in to Emily's lap.
"I don't really know how to say this. I just see so many sides to you. And I really like that, I do. I love that you're full of surprises and I have so much fun with you, but," JJ stopped.
"But?" Emily urged her.
"Because there are so many sides to you, I don't know the real you," JJ admitted.
"What do you mean 'the real me'?" Emily asked.
"Sometimes I just feel like I don't really know you. I'm always the one talking in our relationship. Like I tell you what I like and don't like. I tell you how I'm feeling, my favorite cereal, how I'm allergic to amoxicillin, how I broke my arm in second grade, how my sister....how my sister died," JJ was getting a little choked up. "I just realized that I barely know anything about you. I didn't even know when your birthday was!"

"I told you I didn't care about my birthday," Emily said, placing her hand on JJ's thigh. "But you're right, I guess I don't share that much about myself. I'm just not like that."
"I can understand that. But Emily, I'm always the one who says 'I love you'," JJ sighed.

They were silent for a moment.

Emily got up and walked over to the record player. She pulled out a record and placed it on the base, gently aligning the needle to the ridges.

"Dance with me," Emily said, holding her hand out to JJ. JJ hesitated for a moment, but she got up and grabbed Emily's hand. They clasped each other's hands and held then tightly between each other's chests. JJ rested her head on Emily's shoulder as the soft jazzy tunes filled the room.
"Jennifer Jareau," Emily whispered. "I love you."
"You do?" JJ said while slightly picking up her head.
"Of course, I do. And I'm sorry that you ever felt like I don't," Emily continued. "Growing up, my parents and I never really said 'I love you', we just, you know, hugged each other or surprised each other with something nice or fun. We always just knew so we never said it."
"So the poem, the surprise trip to Boston, the karaoke?" JJ listed.
"JJ, I've loved you from the day I left you that letter on your party dress," Emily admitted.
"Really?" JJ peeped.
"Yeah," Emily smiled and softly bit her lip.
They continued to sway back and forth next to the bed as the music wafted from the record player. JJ slowly adjusted her arms to wrap them on to a hug. Suddenly, Emily felt a release around her chest, as her bra straps fell off her shoulders. Emily laughed as she looked down slightly to kiss JJ's lips.
"Should we go to bed?" Emily asked.
"Yeah, but I'm not tired," JJ said flirtatiously.
"Me neither," Emily said.
They quickly stripped down in between intense kisses, Emily's tongue so deep down JJ's throat she could barely breathe. Emily moved over to JJ's neck and lightly sucked on her supple skin. She softly threw JJ down on the bed and continued to kiss her and she moved to her hand between JJ's thighs. JJ felt a rush she never felt before. Her stomach muscles tightened with excitement as she felt Emily's fingers inside her.
"You okay?" Emily asked as she continued kissing JJ's neck.
"Oh yes," JJ said, nearly laughing.
They rolled around between the sheets for a while until finally they were both satisfied and completely out of breath. Emily and Jennifer laid down on their backs next to each other as their chests quickly compressed and expanded.
"That was amazing," JJ said between breaths.
"Sure was," Emily laughed. "Guess I should tell you I love you more often, huh?"
They both laughed.

After a few minutes Emily got up to turn the music off, blow out the candles, and actually get ready for bed. Finally they were settled in under the covers when JJ asked. "Um, so, do you have any allergies to medication? And what is your blood type?"

Emily chuckled and she looked her girlfriend who was staring back at her dead serious.
"What's this about?" Emily asked.
"You know, we should probably know these things about each other. Just in case," JJ insisted. Obviously that dream on the drive in had gotten to her more than she realized.
"Okay," Emily said. "Uh, no allergies, and I'm A+."
"Cool, well you know I can't take amoxicillin, and I'm AB+," JJ said.
"Universal recipient, huh? Good to know," said Emily.
"See, talking's good," JJ laughed.
"Okay, good night crazy person," Emily said. She kissed JJ goodnight and closed her eyes.

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