we fell in love in october

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The bright orange, red, and yellow leaves that lined the trees made the drive from New Haven to Cambridge feel like the scenic route. Indie tunes wafted through the car speakers and the setting sun provided just enough light as Emily left the Yale campus behind her. The serenity of autumn around her made her feel much less nervous about her surprise. JJ was already in Boston for a weekend series against Harvard. They had lost the match last night, and would be kicking off their Saturday night game shortly. Considering the first match she came to JJ almost died, Emily thought it would be best to surprise her after the game. This weekend was not only the classic Yale-Harvard rivalry game, but it was also Fall break. No classes would be held on Monday, so it was a long weekend, and Emily had plans.


JJ had already decided that she loved the Harvard rivalry weekend. Coach went all out for one series each year and it was always for Harvard. Each player had their own private suites, with a huge warm bed and hot tub in the bathroom, and an entire day to explore the city on Sunday. JJ had never been to Boston. Until Yale had played Columbia a few weeks ago, she had never been to New York City, either, or New Hampshire, or New Jersey. She realized how little of the country, much less the world, she had actually seen. JJ was glad to finally be outside of her tiny Pennsylvania bubble, but it was intimidating being in a big, bustling city like Boston. She had no clue what to even do on her free day tomorrow. After she changed in to her pajamas, she climbed in to her massive bed and google searched "things to do in Boston".

Before the page loaded, there was a knock at the hotel door. JJ wearily looked through the peep hole and a smile immediately filled her cheeks. She'd recognize that raven hair anywhere. She flew open the door and threw her arms around Emily.

"Surprise!" Emily laughed as she set down her go bag.

"I can't believe you're here," JJ exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, with the long weekend, I don't know. I kind of thought I could show my girlfriend around Boston a little bit," Emily smiled. JJ was so relieved to be able to click out of her google search.

"You know Boston?" JJ asked. Emily was from DC, but she definitely had a mystery to her. There was a lot JJ still didn't know about her girlfriend.

"I know lots of places," Emily smiled.

JJ laughed. "Uh, I'm just so glad you're here! Come here!" She said as she pulled Emily in for a kiss. They kissed for a while, and then laughed, and kissed again. On a college campus, you very rarely ever feel like you have total privacy, but the suite gave them the serenity they'd been coveting for the past two weeks.

"Okay, so what should we do?" Emily finally asked JJ.
"Hmm, hot tub?" JJ suggested.


"Ugh," JJ sighed as she set her head back on Emily's chest. "This is perfect." She softly swooshed her arms around in the bubbles of the tub, grasping at the flower petals that danced around from the soft pressure of the jets. The room was softly lit with lavender scented candles. It was romantic as hell, if we are being honest.

Emily softly wrapped her arms around JJ as the blonde sat on her lap. She pulled back her hair and threw it around one shoulder, and dug her lips in to the crook of JJ's bare neck. Feeling Emily's lips sent a shiver down her body and then she felt warm again.

"So, um," JJ started. "How do know Boston, I thought you were from DC?"

"I travelled a lot growing up. My mother's job took us all over. But going to Boston was always special to me because that's when I got to see my dad." Emily explained. "He was a professor at Boston College, just retired last year, decided to join my mom when she travels."

"And your mom?" JJ asked.

"A US Ambassador," Emily shrugged.

"Whoa," JJ's eyes got big and she turned to make eye contact with Emily. "So when you say you've travelled.....you've travelled."

"Oh yeah, we lived in Paris, Rome, even the Middle East," Emily sighed.

"Paris...oh, man. I would love to go to Paris," JJ fluttered.

"Have you been out of the country before?" Emily asked.

"I had barely been out of the state before I moved here," JJ laughed. "Just good ole Pennsylvania."

"Well, don't you worry, Jennifer Jareau," Emily smiled as she kissed JJ's neck again. "Stick with me, and I'll show you the world."

JJ turned herself around to face Emily and wrapped her arms gently around Emily's neck. She slowly pulled her toward the center of the hot tub. She rubbed her nose against Emily's and looked in to the brunette's dark eyes.

"I think that's a good idea," JJ whispered.
"What's that?" Emily laughed.
"You. Me. Traveling the world. I can see it," JJ responded.
"Yeah?" Emily bit her lip.

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