happy together

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"Wake up, sleepy head," JJ said as she gently shook Emily's shoulder. Emily groaned as she rolled over and carefully opened her eyes. The blaring light from the wide open windows nearly blinded her as she woke to her girlfriend's plea. JJ was already fully dressed and ready for the day, as if she had been up for hours. She was bright and cheery, and very much a morning person. Emily, on the other hand was not. She pulled the covers over her head and pretended to go back to sleep.

"5 more minutes!" she pleaded.

JJ laughed as she bent down and kissed Emily's forehead. "Cmon, Em. I brought you breakfast."

Now Emily was awake. "Breakfast in bed, hmm?" she asked as she sat up and grabbed to cutely dressed tray of complimentary hotel breakfast foods.

"Well, I gotta treat my tour guide well," JJ winked as she watched Emily stuff pancake after pancake down her throat


After a long day of sightseeing around downtown Boston, JJ and Emily slowly moseyed around the park, watching the sun set over the colorful trees. Before they knew it, it was dark and the wind began to change, bringing a cool front.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Emily asked.
"I don't know. I kind of feel like dancing," JJ shrugged.
"I've got the perfect place," Emily said. JJ followed along as Emily showed up in front of a hopping Irish Pub. The line to get in was nearly a block long, crazy for a Sunday night. "Sunday is their live Irish dance night with $2 Irish car bombs and karaoke. It's so much fun!" Emily explained as she walked up to the front of the line. As she went up to the bouncer, JJ was a bit confused. They didn't have fake IDs, the place was packed and fifty more people were waiting to get in. She heard the brunette say to the bouncer: "Lauren Reynolds, we're on the list."

The tall, muscular bouncer immediately waved the couple through, and in to the crowd of Irish dancing, inebriated Bostonians they went.

The atmosphere was electric. As JJ and Emily downed a car bomb compliments of a drunk guy at bar, the music that had been playing over the speakers had stopped and a man with a microphone hopped on the stage at the far corner of the bar. He began announcing the line up of karaoke singers, running through a list of about ten people before he said, "Miss Emily Prentiss."

JJ nearly choked on her drink and shot a grin over to Emily. "I didn't know you could sing!" JJ yelled as the music started again. As they got on the dance floor, Emily laughed.

"I'm full of surprises," Emily responded cheekily. The two continued singing and dancing, even laughing with the pure happiness they felt when they were together. Eventually, it was Emily's turn to sing. JJ cheered as her girl took the stage.

The intro to the song "Happy Together" by The Turtles began to play and the bar exploded with chatter at the selection. Emily exhaled softly and began singing, looking at JJ's bright smile from the stage.

Imagine me and you, I do.
I think about you day and night,
it's only right.
To think about the girl you love
and hold her tight,
So happy together.

"You were amazing!" JJ said as she and Emily walked out of the elevator and to their hotel room. "This whole day, was amazing. I had such a good day today." JJ pulled out the key card and unlocked the door. "But I am so tired now!" She laughed and jumped on to the bed. She kicked off her shoes and changed in to her pajamas as Emily did the same. "I really did not know you could sing like that! Seriously, Emily you were great. And that song...I love that song."

Emily walked over to where JJ was sitting on the bed and kissed her softly on the cheek.
"I love that song, too." She dimmed the lights and crawled on to the right side of the bed. JJ joined her on the right and set her head against Emily's shoulder.

"Emily," JJ said softly.
"Yeah, JJ?" Emily asked. There were so many things JJ wanted to say.
"I think this is the most fun I've ever had with someone," JJ said. "Thank you."

Emily chuckled softly.
"Thank you for making today such a great birthday."

JJ sat up. She had no idea.
"It's your birthday? You, you didn't tell me, I could've, we could've. I could've gotten you a cake or something, I-"

"No, JJ it's okay. I don't really celebrate my birthday too often, so I'm glad I got to spend today with someone who's so special to me." Emily said.

"I didn't even get you a gift," JJ sighed.

"Really, JJ, you didn't know," Emily replied. Then, JJ got up and straddled her legs on each side of Emily as the brunette was laying on the bed.

"Well, I can still give you one thing," JJ laughed. She bent over and put her lips on Emily's forehead. "Nineteen kisses for your nineteenth birthday."


JJ slowly worked her way from Emily's mouth and neck to her chest and her stomach. When her kiss count reached sixteen, JJ had made it down to Emily's hips.

She playfully pulled open Emily's legs and kissed the very top of her inner left thigh.

Seventeen....and then the right...eighteen...

JJ sat up for a moment and looked in to Emily's glistening eyes. They smiled at each other and JJ went down again.

That night, Jennifer Jareau gave Emily Prentiss a birthday gift she wouldn't soon forget.

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