daddy lessons

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JJ woke up to a strange feeling on her cheek. She opened her eyes to see Sergio had climbed in between her and Emily and was now licking JJ with his tiny pink tongue. It tickled like sand paper on her skin.
"Sergio, hey," JJ whispered as to not wake Emily up. The black cat purred as he rubbed up against JJ before hopping off the bed. He looked at JJ and softly meowed. JJ gently sat up from under the covers. Sergio scampered toward the door and looked up at the locked handles. After a few moments, he looked back at JJ and meowed again.
"Okay, I'm coming," JJ laughed as she got out of bed. She unlocked the door and opened it just enough for Sergio to sneak out. He doesn't leave though. He looked up at JJ again, as if to say "c'mon". So JJ followed Sergio out in to the hallway. He'd run ahead a few feet and look back and meow to make sure JJ was still following him. JJ couldn't believe she was actually chasing a cat around her girlfriend's mansion. He ran down the stairs and JJ followed. He brought her to the living room, and then the second living room, and then the ballroom, and then...
"Good morning," mumbled a deep male voice. JJ stopped dead in her tracks as Sergio hopped on to the kitchen table where a middle aged, dark haired, slightly balding man was sipping from his coffee cup and casually pursuing the morning paper.
"Uhh, hi," JJ said. She looked down and realized she was still in her skimpy silk pajamas that barely covered her ass and boobs. She crossed her arms and just stood silently, dying of embarrassment.
"He likes you, you know? That's good, very good," said the man JJ could only presume was Emily's father.
"I'm sorry, sir?" JJ asked.
"The cat. He doesn't take well to strangers but by the looks of it, he likes you. Emily would chase him through the house for hours when she was younger. I bet he misses that," said the man without looking up from the newspaper. Sergio was now off in the corner of the large kitchen drinking from his water dish.
"I'm James. You can call me Jim if you like," said James.
"So great to meet you, Mr. Prentiss. I'm Jennifer. JJ," she said, extending out one of her hands while keeping the other snuggly across her chest.
"Jennifer, you know Emily was almost named Jennifer? That would've been weird for you, huh?" he chuckled. JJ just laughed awkwardly while still standing half naked in the kitchen.
"Would you like something for breakfast, JJ?" James asked.
"Oh, yes, sir. Thank you," JJ said as she walked toward the kitchen island.
"It's okay, you can just take a seat. Martha will bring you a plate. Pancakes or waffles?" James asked.
"Oh wow, pancakes please," JJ said gleefully.
"With chocolate chips?" James smiled.
"Nothing better!" JJ laughed.
A few minutes later Chef Martha delivered JJ a whopping plate of chocolate pancakes with an assortment of fruits and even a few slices of bacon.
"Thank you, this looks delicious," JJ said.
"So, JJ. Where are you from?" James asked as he finally set down his paper.
"A small town in western Pennsylvania. East Allegheny," JJ said almost embarrassed.
"Oh wow, what's that a good 2,000 people? Outside of Pittsburgh, there, ya?"
"That's right," JJ was surprised. "Nobody ever knows where it is."
"Yeah, well we've done our good bit of traveling, I'm sure you know. With Liz's job and all we've been all over, but actually I know East Allegheny from my truck driving days when I fresh out of high school," James said with a twinkle of nostalgia in his eyes. "I spent a year doing that before I figured out what I wanted to do with my life. Then I went to college, moved to Boston and became a teacher. I loved it, but I'll never forget that time I spent on the road."
"That's an interesting way to see the country," JJ said. "Before I came to Yale I hadn't even left Pennsylvania before, so this all..." JJ trailed off as she looked around the stunningly beautiful and massive main floor of the Prentiss household.
"It's a lot," James admitted. "Took me awhile to get used to it too, but trust me, we all deserve a little luxury in life," James said kindly. JJ was feeling right at home now. They continued to small talk. He asked her about school and soccer, she asked him about his favorite places he's travelled.

Wherever Emily gets her reservation from, it definitely wasn't  James.

"Welp, I should probably get my cookin' clothes on, we got a big feast ahead of us tonight," James said, getting up from the table.
JJ had nearly forgotten it was Thanksgiving.

"Good to meet you, JJ. Make sure Emily shows you around the whole place, okay? Don't follow Sergio anymore, he's a terrible tour guide."
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Prentiss," JJ said as the man began walking away.
"It's Jim," he huffed back.
"...Jim," JJ said well stuffing her last bite pancakes in her mouth. As soon as she finished eating, Sergio jumped on to the table and began licking her plate.

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