stay the night

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"Your boyfriend is Evan Parker?"

"Yeah," JJ stated, a little bit puzzled but well aware of her boyfriend's reputation.

"Do you want to stay in my dorm tonight?" Emily asked bluntly.

Without hesitating, "yes" slipped out of JJ's mouth before she could even think about it. The pair gathered up their dishes and brought them to the bus stand before walking back to Emily's dorm room. On the way there, JJ texted Anna back.

JJ: Anna, I am so sorry he's there bothering you. He's really freaking me out so I am staying the night at Emily's. Let me know if he leaves.

A few minutes later, Anna replied: no worries, boo. Matt got the RA to come get him and security took him back to his room. Stay safe, love. Let me know if you need anything <3

JJ was relieved that Evan was no longer harassing her friends, but she was so upset that he even went that far. She had no clue why he was acting so strangely. She hoped that tomorrow everything would make more sense. As she got back to Emily's dorm, Emily offered up her bedroom, but JJ insisted on staying on the couch. She already felt like such a burden.

"Emily," JJ squeaked out.
"Thank you," JJ said, smiling as to try to cover her sadness.
"Of course, JJ. It's what friends are for," Emily said, her warm grin made JJ feel so safe. "Goodnight."
Emily gently shut her bedroom door, leaving JJ in the dark, windowless common area. The only light that filled the space was the light from the hallway that peaked through the crack in the bottom of the door. JJ scanned the the room as she tried to get comfortable on the lumpy couch. When she finally found a cozy spot, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The flashing party lights surrounded her, red, purple, and green shining off the walls. Club music vibrated the floors as she stood in the empty common area of Clare, Rachel, and Emily's dorm room. Suddenly the room began to spin and partygoers began to drop down from the ceiling. As JJ tried to leave, faces popped in to her view and quickly melted in to the background. Unable to find an exit, JJ turned back toward the center of the room. Every thing else faded away except for the couch at the center of the room. Sitting on it was that girl with the raven hair and the piercing nose, the red lipstick and the perfect smile. In the chaos of her dream, JJ was soothed to see Emily. She walked toward her and sat down.
"Hey," JJ said, trying to talk to Emily. But when she spoke, it was like her voice bounced back at her. Emily's face became puzzled.
"Emily? Emily!?" JJ said, trying to speak to her friend. She reached her hand out but it went right through Emily's body like she was a ghost. The scene zoomed out and time turned back to the last night of August when JJ and Emily first met.

"I'm Jennifer Jareau."
"Emily Prentiss."
The word Prentiss echoed loudly in JJ's ear.

Emily Prentiss.

The scene shifted again and suddenly JJ was alone in the dark.
"Pretty girl," a familiar voice hissed. She looked all around, over her shoulder , but she couldn't see anyone. It was so dark, she couldn't see anything, only a single spotlight from above that shined directly on JJ. She looked in to it but it blinded her. Putting her hands over her eyes to try to salvage her vision, she heard the voice again. Echoing, haunting her. She heard a crash behind her. She turned abruptly but she had been thrown onto the ground. It wasn't the ground though. It was soft, warm. A mattress. JJ tried to stand up but it was like her arms and legs were being held down. She still could only see the spotlight, but the crashes around her were getting louder, no, closer. Suddenly his face appeared, the light gleaming off of his ivory skin and blonde curls.
"Hey, blondie," Evan said.
JJ screamed as she began thrashing her arms and legs.
"No, no, no," she kept saying.

"JJ!" a girl yelled, shaking the blonde awake. JJ gasped as she opened her eyes to the brightly lit common area she had gone to bed in the night before. It was Clare that woke her up.
"Are you okay?" said the fare skinned red head with her green eyes filled with what was unmistakable pity.

"Uh, yeah," JJ said, sitting up on the couch. "Just a bad dream." She looked down at her watch. She still had plenty of time before she had to get to her astronomy quiz.
"Hey, Clare," JJ started. The girl looked up from her bowl of Cheerios. "You know that party I was at here before school started?"
Clare shook her head.
"Do you remember anything weird happening that night?"
Clare thought about it for a few seconds before saying, "Hm, I don't think so. I'm trying to remember what you were up to that night. You seemed to really be hitting it off with Emily, but before I went to bed you were making out with some guy."
"This him?" JJ showed her a pic of Evan she had on her phone.
Clare glanced at the screen. "Definitely. I'd recognize those curls anywhere, but he seemed like a total douche."

Yeah, that's my boyfriend, JJ thought. She looked behind her to see Emily's bedroom door was closed. "Is Emily still asleep?"

Clare shook her head, "nah, she's got an early class on Wednesdays."

"Oh, well, please, please thank her for me. And, thank you, too. I really appreciate you all letting me spend the night," JJ said, quickly gathering her things.

"No problem," Clare stated. "I hope you get some answers."

Yeah, me too, thought JJ. As she walked back to her dorm room, JJ reluctantly pulled out her phone. To her delight, she only had one text message. It was from Evan.

Evan: Sorry about last night. I shouldn't have acted like that. Can I see you today so we can talk?

JJ was hesitant. Evan had really scared her last night. But, she needed answers. Answers about last night, and about that party. JJ agreed to meet with him that night after practice, but she made sure she wouldn't be alone. Anna would accompany her to help her piece everything together. When she made it back to the dorm, she grabbed her training bag to bring with her to her lectures, since practice started only 20 minutes after her last class today. Back pack and training gear in hand, she went to go ace that astronomy quiz. When she made it to the lecture hall, she gently set down her bags and went to pull out her pen. When she looked at her backpack, however, she noticed something wasn't right. None of the stuff in the bag was hers. She turned it all around. It looked like her backpack. She pulled the notebook in there out. On the cover of the book the words "Emily Prentiss, Stats 300" was written on it in swooping cursive. JJ had definitely seen that handwriting before.

author's note: will JJ finally get some answers?? stay tuned.

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