jemily in paris

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***three weeks later***

warning:mature content

A brisk rush of wind hit JJ's face as she unlatched the window and opened it. The fresh December air was crisp and smelled of holiday cheer. Snowflakes fell softly from the sky, stuck to the surface for a moment before melting away on the pavement. It was serene.

But what really hit JJ were the lights. Paris at Christmastime never shined so brightly, and that says quite a lot for a city romanticized for being the city of lights. Off in the distance, the Eiffel Tower stood up to the Paris skyline, and below just fields of twinkling color for miles and miles. The view was blissful, but the company was even better.

As JJ sat on the balcony looking out over the city, Emily wrapped her arms around her from behind and warmed her in the chilly December air. A street performer down below strummed his guitar and sang Christmas tunes as passersby stop for a few moments to listen to his angelic hymns before dropping a few euro at his feet and going on with their night. Emily and JJ gently swayed to the music, closing their eyes and breathing each other in.

Being in that moment together was so simple and yet it had been nothing but complicated for these two friends from college to be spending their holiday together in a Parisian bed and breakfast. They had made it through trauma, terrible trauma that will stay with them for a long time, but as the two embrace in such a serendipitous moment, it is clear that healing is possible. The scars will fade with each meaningful kiss, every 'I love you', whether said out loud or implied, would slowly help them move on.

The street performer had finished his set and the  wind shifted just slightly, forcing a shiver down JJ's spine.

"JJ, you're freezing," Emily said as she tightened her grip, tactfully placing her hands on JJ's breasts as her nipples perked up from the cold temperatures on the balcony. "Come inside, let me warm you up," Emily said, softly biting at JJ's neck.

"You go, I'll be right in," JJ said with a smile.
Emily let go of JJ and walked back into their bedroom.

JJ took a few moments to breathe in her surroundings. It still didn't feel real, that she was in Paris. It had been a dream of hers since she could remember but she never thought she'd actually ever go. But with Emily, her dreams were coming true before her very eyes and she had no idea what she did to get so lucky. She took one more look out over the cityscape and the biggest smile found her face. Just as she was about to head indoors, a tiny bird landed on the railing of the balcony.

A blackbird.

JJ audibly laughed at the perfect irony as she turned to the bedroom. As she stepped in, she saw that a pile of blankets had been laid out in front of the fire place that was set ablaze, filling the room with the sweet scent of firewood.

Candles surrounded the make shift bed and two wine glasses were set out next to a full bottle of Sauvignon blanc.

JJ scanned the room and realized Emily wasn't there. "Emily?" she called out.

The brunette peaked her head out from the bathroom. "Oh, Miss Jareau," she said in a very posh accent. "You've been out in that nasty cold for so long, I thought you might turn to ice." Emily stepped out of the bathroom wearing a massive faux fur coat that fit in perfectly with the winter fashion scene in Paris.
JJ laughed, her smile getting even bigger than before as her girlfriend inches closer to her.

"Are you going to warm me up with that coat?" JJ asked, playing along.

"Honey, I can warm you up in no time, but it's got nothing to do with this coat," Emily joked. As she said this, she seductively began unlatching each fastener, letting the coat slowly fall down shoulders. As she reached the last one, the coat fell to the floor, revealing Emily's naked body.

JJ ran to her girlfriend and aggressively pressed her lips to Emily's. Emily kissed her back even harder, grabbing at JJ's blouse and quickly pulling it over her head. She unclasped JJ's bra and threw it off to the corner of the room. JJ felt her cheeks get red as Emily threw her down on the pile of blankets and climbed on top of her, kissing at her neck and then playing with her breasts, giving careful attention to each of JJ's perky nipples.

The feeling of Emily's mouth sucking on her skin warmed JJ up real quick, her back arching as Emily moved down to her thighs. Emily unbuttoned JJ's pants and pulled them off of her, throwing them so they join JJ's bra across the room.

"Emily," JJ moans as the brunette plays with her girlfriend's panties, slowly pulling them down past her knees.

"Shhhh," Emily says, coming back up to JJ's mouth and placing a finger on her lips. Emily slides herself back down JJ's quickly warming body and begins stroking her girlfriend's clit. JJ felt her stomach muscles tense almost immediately, moaning intently as Emily rubs harder, and harder.

"Please, Emily, uhhh," JJ moaned loudly as Emily switches to using her mouth. Emily can feel how insane this is making JJ, as her girlfriends thighs are already soaked and nearly throbbing with heat.

Emily plays with JJ a bit longer, JJ's moans for her only getting louder. Finally, she inserts two fingers and softly curves them inside of her girlfriend. JJ's back arches with pleasure and she screams Emily's name as Emily's entire hand becomes soaked. Emily continues moving her fingers in and out as she leans over JJ's body and bites at her neck. JJ reaches up and grabs at Emily's full breasts as they rock back and forth in rhythm on their makeshift bed.

After JJ finishes multiple times, she pulls Emily down on top of her and kisses her hard. Between breaths Emily smiles and says "well, Miss Jareau, how was that?"

JJ smiles back and sighs, "perfect."

The couple lays there in blissful quiet, only the crackle of the fire and their synchronized exhales filling to room. JJ grabs Emily's hand and intertwines her fingers before looking Emily in her deep brown eyes and smiling.

"Okay, Miss Prentiss. Now it's your turn."

The end.

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