CHAPTER 12: Paris Revisited

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"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes," I nodded solemnly, staring blankly at the fields. Ellie continues to eat her grapes after my short response.

We decide to go on a picnic on the other side of Thranduil's estate where there is a bigger clearing with a view of the mountains. The picnic is her idea. She says it finally stopped raining a few weeks ago and thought being outside would cheer me up. I locked myself in my room for the first few days, using homework as an excuse and a distraction. My godfather somehow got me out of failing my classes for being gone for so long. Ellie tells me I was gone for a little over a month, but the events in Middle-earth feel like it all happened within a matter of days, now that I was reflecting on it.

I was still upset when I returned to England and didn't want to talk to anyone, not even Ellie. She knew I was upset with her as well so she left me alone to cool down and gather my thoughts. She apologized profusely and all the nice gestures she did for me, including this picnic, makes it difficult to stay mad at her for very long. The only reason why she kept the truth from me was because she was afraid of my reaction. She didn't know how I would respond to knowing the fact I was living with Elves and that I was a peredhil. And, she was right. If she had told me then, I probably would have thought she was mental. "I had no authority to tell you your mother's secrets, Isa. It had to be Thranduil, Legolas, or Galadriel. Please understand," she frowned.

After I forgave her, she promised she would tell me whatever I wanted to know about my time in Middle-earth as an infant. My brain was at full capacity from everything I learned there so I couldn't think of anything to ask...for once. I told her I would ask when I ready with more questions. "Ellie, where's Thranduil?" I suddenly ask out of nowhere. It only now occurs to me I haven't seen him since I came back almost two weeks ago. I wonder if he's avoiding me so he didn't have to explain himself as well.

"He's been in Paris," she answers. "There's an annual charity benefit there that he hosts every year and he's expected to formally meet and greet some of the attendees. Most of them are well-known entrepreneurs, businessmen, and even celebrities."


"Yes," she nods. "It is a very big event in Paris. We will have to find outfits to wear this weekend. I love wearing ball gown dresses!" Ellie squeals. "We don't wear them often in Middle-earth, only for special occasions, so I always try to get the best fabrics for my dresses!"

"Wait. What do you mean by 'we'?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I meant me and you, is what I mean," she replies casually. "Thranduil invited us. He said he would answer everything when he got back to England. He wants us both to attend and enjoy ourselves in Paris. You'll love it, I promise!"

"I don't know, Ellie..." I say with mix emotions. "I'm not sure if I'm ready to be around so many people. I still have a lot of things on my mind and I wouldn't want to bring down your mood by being there."

"Don't be silly, Isa," she gently slaps my leg. "I wouldn't have any fun if you weren't there. The men who try to talk to me can be so boring at times. If you were with me we could keep each other company. Be each other's dates!"

"I still don't know..." I'm feeling apprehensive about everything.

"It will be good for you," she tries to convince me. "This will be a good distraction with all the delicious food, dancing, wine, and eligible bachelors. We can stay there for a few days to enjoy the rest of the city or even the countryside. Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do! Or-we can head straight to Italy or Greece instead?"

"Let me think about it, okay?" I answer. Ellie is getting too far ahead of herself. I'm in no mood for any kind of event, celebration, or learning about a new culture. I just want to go back to my normal life and forget about Legolas.

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