CHAPTER 23: Preparations

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Legolas POV

"Sire, you should retire for the night."

"I am fine. Go relieve some of the other guards. They are the ones who need their rest."

"Master Legolas, if I can be forward with you, it is you who needs it," Darcien places a concerned hand on my shoulder. "You cannot keep going on like this."

"You know very well I cannot sleep," I move away from him and stare out into the darkness of the night. Some of the Orcs were spotted a few yards from our borders and I intend to keep them from moving any closer.

"Are you still having nightmares?" he questions.

I furrow my eyebrows and give him a short nod. "If I am to keep my sanity and from perishing from this world, I need to keep busy. I need to stay focused."

"There are other ways, sire," the captain tells me quietly. "Man or Elf, this is not healthy for anyone."

"Did I not give you a direct order earlier, captain?" I say in a stern voice. I don't need him to tell me what to do. I do what I pleased and those around me are the ones who need to obey my commands. I am the prince and acting ruler of Mirkwood and do not need to yield to anyone!

"Very well, sire," Darcien bows, knowing he cannot get through to me. He leaves my side quietly and tells some of the guards they could go back inside for the night as I instruct.

Standing there with my bow in hand, I continue to watch the forest. The trees keep swaying in the breeze, the wind echoing as it passes through their branches. I'm looking for signs of a campfire anywhere in the vicinity. A fire means the Orcs are staying in the forest and possibly thinking of ways to attack us. They always did try to move at night thinking they can get the upper hand, but that is when our patrols usually double.

However, there have been no signs of any movements from them in days. The Orcs seen by our scouts could merely be looking for firewood since the cold months are upon us. But, it is always better to be safe. I look around the tower wall where I am and see no one else standing by the boardwalk. I'm virtually alone. Frustrated, I pinch the inside corners of my eyes.

"Herill!" I call out.

A few moments later, Herill comes running up the ladder. "Yes, sire?"

"Take over for me. I am going back underground. Inform me if anything changes."

"Of course, sire," he bows.

Walking back inside, I do not acknowledging anyone I pass. They all seem a blur. The guards and the people of Mirkwood know the foul state I am in and are cautious to approach me for anything. Of course I appreciate many of their concerns, but for the most part, I want to be left alone. It was understood that her name was not to be mentioned in my presence unless they want some sort of undesirable punishment.

But, the more I thought about it, I am not only punishing them, but myself as well. For days on end, I stay outside or in the forest riding until my horse can no longer carry me. I'm abusing those around me, making them work harder than I ever would push on anyone. I know my behavior is not accepted well by my kin but they still allow me to have total control without any complaints. Direct complaints, anyway.

Any one of the generals have the power to act in my stead if enough voted I am unfit to rule, but none yet stand against me. Not even Shohrae who seems the most concerned next to Darcien. She has the highest authority other than the prince. If she so chooses to have me step down, no one would question her. None of their own behaviors I understood. It's as if they are waiting for me to completely snap before making any sort of decision to overthrow me. It has been over a year now since she left.

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