CHAPTER 21: More to Learn and More to See

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I fell asleep outside while watching Legolas give orders on where to post his new guards. Some of them have only been on patrol for a few days and are still learning the ropes. I see a handful of them being trained in hand-to-hand combat and archery. That other guard with Herill by the entrance must have been new otherwise he wouldn't have shown he was nervous about being threatened by me. We also see Aromin from time to time when he would check on the reconstruction of the wall on our side. He's mostly on the southern wall like he had said.

The sun's rays are hitting my eyelids, which causes me to briefly open my eyes. When I'm a little more conscience I discover Legolas is carrying me in his arms back to the underground fortress. "Legolas...where are we going?" I ask groggily with my eyes still half-closed. To get more comfortable, I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I am taking you to bed," he kisses the top of my head. "You have been up for most of the night."

"Stay with me," I whisper in my sleep.

"Yes, milady," he murmurs back.

The warmth of his room makes me feel better. I can feel him taking off my shoes and dress, leaving me in my undergarments. My mind is somewhat awake but the rest of me wasn't responding. He's basically handling me as if I was dead weight. The covers tucked around me make me want to fall back into my dreams. Legolas crawling into bed and wrapping his arms around me from behind also brings a smile to my face. I manage to scoot my body back a notch so I can feel his body there. He holds me tighter, giving me the extra warmth I want.

My dreams aren't of anything in particular. There are faces I know, faces from the paintings Ellie showed me, and places I've seen before all jumbled into one. The only thing disturbing is a giant spider chasing Legolas in the forest. He's running toward me as if to save me but then he runs right past me. I try to call his name but he's already gone. By the time I turn back around, the spider is right in my face with its fangs dripping with venom and hissing at me. I shot awake in his bed.

"Legolas?" I search his room with my eyes. Again, he's nowhere to be found. I did, however, find another note beside me.

Sorry, love, but I had to leave early again. Please forgive me for not being with you when you woke up this morning. I will try to find my way back to you later today.

Yours forever,


I sigh at the note and fold it, placing it in the pocket of my dress. Being with him last night felt like another dream as he disappeared again when I opened my eyes. I sit on his bed pouting. I don't know what to do with myself. It's times like these where I would normally hang out with Ellie but I remember her saying she's planning on spending some time with Darcien. I suppose the only thing I can do today is wander around alone.

I gather my things and walk to Ellie's room to change. Whatever clothing I'm wearing belongs to her since I don't carry any style of the clothes they wear here in my wardrobe. She also isn't in her room when I knocked, as predicted, so I take my time. Breakfast isn't all that exciting either so I pace myself.

After that, I head outside and walk around with no particular destination in mind. I pass by the gardens and pick new fresh flowers for Legolas's room. I'm still debating whether or not to spend the night there in case he's a no show again. If Ellie is busy with company I can always use the room next door to hers. I have my options so I'm not too worried about tonight, even though I want to spend it with Legolas.

The aeglos flowers are easily becoming my favorite. I quietly hum to myself as I pick my bouquet from the many different varieties the garden carries. Some where white, orange, pink, yellow, purple-almost all the colors of the rainbow were present. "What tune are you humming?"

I'm not in love: a Legolas greenleaf storyWhere stories live. Discover now