CHAPTER 25: Wishful Thinking

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Legolas POV

"Are you almost ready, Legolas?"

"Yes," I nod apprehensively. My body is ready but my mind is not quite there yet. Two years is no time at all, but the days I spend in agony make it seem like it has been decades. Getting information out of Shohrae has also proved to be a difficult task since she is known to be built like a steel trap when it comes to divulging anything. She continues to repeat she is not at liberty to tell me.

Although I am the prince, I cannot force it out of her. It is that kind of power she possessed over me. Shohrae has become very dear to my family over the many years we have lived in Mirkwood, and I honestly do not know how the delegating and political side of running our kingdom would be like if she was not in charge of it. I thought of her as almost a mother-figure and feel very lucky to have her to keep me grounded when it came to my behavior.

I also do not pack anything with me since I do not know how long I am to stay in England. Mix feelings of travelling back makes me think it best to only bring myself. I always leave a few things in my room anyway so there is no need to carry any belongings I have here except for my bow and arrow.

"May I come in?" Darcien knocks on the open door. Shohrae has left to finish gathering what she needs and was going to come back for me when it is time to depart. "So, tell are you feeling?"

"Much better. Still a little stiff but back to normal for the most part," I reply. Darcien starts to laugh softly, shaking his head. "What?"

"That is not what I meant."

I roll my eyes and sigh. "I do not know? Whatever news my father has to tell me could be good or bad. Either way, it is not something I want to speculate on. But-I know it is something important. Why else would Galadriel allow me access back?"

"If you see Ellessia at all while you are there, will you send her a greeting from me?" he asks.

"Why not come with us?" I suggest. "It has been quiet in Mirkwood and there are plenty of other captains and generals to give orders while you are away. Put Herill in command until you return? He is a capable Elf. Captain Palos can also resume your duties."

"Yes, Herill is capable of giving orders, and Captain Palos has years of experience ahead of me, but this journey is meant for you, Master Legolas. I have no business of being there. I am only here to escort you to the portal."

"I need no escort, captain. And, I am sure my father would be happy to see you. If Ellessia is there, so will she. You really have no good excuse for not going. I could also command you," I chuckle. Darcien only shakes his head with a smile.

"Ready?" Shohrae returns to my chambers. "I must say, Legolas, I do not think I have ever seen your chambers this organized before?"

"It is a lot harder than you think," I grin to myself.

"I will meet you outside," Darcien bows.

"Do not take too long, my friend. Pack light," I smirk at him.

"Pardon?" he slowly looks up with a confused look in his face. And so does Shohrae.

"Darcien was telling me before you came how he wishes he had the opportunity to see England, so I suggested he come with us. For all the hard work he has put into protecting our lands, he deserves a short vacation, would not you agree?" I ask Shohrae.

My father's assistant and advisor is surprised by the idea. "Well, of course, you are more than welcomed to join us. Had I known sooner I would have invited you personally," she smiles at him. "We will wait for you at the portal."

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