CHAPTER 17: Back to the Rabbit Hole

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It's been almost four days since I last saw Legolas. He promised to stay with me during my finals week but his presence was needed in Mirkwood. I couldn't tell him not to go because they needed him, and because he was their ruler. It was his job to protect his people.

Apparently, the giant spiders trying to build their nests in the Eastern part of their territory are too close to their borders. When their offspring are born they will be looking for food to eat and the Elves don't want to risk them venturing anywhere near the kingdom. I told Legolas to be careful about being eaten alive. Although he laughed at my joke, a part of me worried about his safety. I have this last online final today then I would be done until next spring. I'm going to take that time to relax and focus on me and figure out what I want to do with my future. Well-that was the original plan anyway. Being here with everything that I've experienced sort of changes things a little. I have three weeks left in order to get my head together.

"Isa, are you done yet?" Ellie asks from the bottom of the stairs.

"Almost. Is there something you need?" I ask call down. I'm back in the tower, trying to hide from distracting things like staring out into the forest wondering when Legolas is going to return. I placed a blanket over the window where I usually sit to keep from looking outside every two minutes.

"Can come up for a second? I know your final is being timed."

"Sure. I only have four questions left," I reply. I still have about an hour before the clock hits zero.

Ellie comes up with a smile on her face. "I have a special delivery for you. I wanted to wait until you were finished but I thought you would want it as soon as possible."

"Want what?" I ask curiously, noticing she's hiding something behind her back.

"This," she says, handing me an envelope.

I flipped it over and see my name written on the back, instantly recognizing the handwriting. "It's from Legolas!"

"Yes," Ellie nods. It was delivered only a few minutes ago. I examine the envelope again and see it is sealed with a crescent of a leaf with Legolas's initials inside it. "Well, I should go. You still have your final exam. Put the letter away for now and finish what you're doing," she instructs me.

"Thanks, Ellie," I smile. I go back to my four questions, trying not to think about what is in the letter. These types of distractions are exactly the ones I'm trying to get away from. Instead of taking my time to make sure I answer everything correctly, I rush through just so I can be done. I quickly open the envelope and read his letter.

Dearest Isa,

I miss you. I am sorry for not being there as I promised but pressing matters here need my attention. The offspring of the giant spiders were seen in other parts of Mirkwood, doubling our patrols. Food has been scares in the forest for many of the creatures, putting the kingdom in danger. I do not know when I can return to England, but please be patient with me. Not a day goes by I do not think of you and wish I was there with you. I promise we will be together again soon.

All my love,


I smile and frown at the same time. I wasn't expecting a letter from him and I thought it was sweet of him to think of writing to let me know he's okay. But, at the same time, it makes me sad because he doesn't know when he's coming back. I only have a little bit of time left and was hoping to spend as many days together as possible. I put the letter back in the envelope and hold it close to my heart. It makes me miss him more than I already do.

"What's the matter Isa?" Ellie asks when I come out of the tower.

"Legolas doesn't know when he'll be coming back since they need him there," I sigh.

I'm not in love: a Legolas greenleaf storyWhere stories live. Discover now