CHAPTER 8: So, Is It True?

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"It's beautiful here, Legolas."

I'm amazed at the landscape in front of me. It looks like a painting out of an art exhibit. There are mountains in the far distance and a stream nearby with green grass and a sea of flowers in almost every color you could imagine. There are also trees in the area that give the place a nice shade from the sun.

"I come here often when I want to clear my thoughts," he tells me. "It is one of the few places that still hold some beauty in these woods." He leans against a tree and stares out into the open field.

"Why did you bring me here, Legolas?" I ask, wondering why he decided to bring me to his special place. This is his sanctuary and I didn't want to ruin it.

"So we could talk," he simply answers with a shrug of his shoulders. He looks at me then walks a little farther down. I follow behind him and pick a spot to sit down on the grass. It's in the shade, yet open enough to let the sun's warmth reach me.

"Are you saying you'll finally answer my questions?" I raise a doubting eyebrow in his direction, "Or you looking for more things to say or do to distract me?"

"I will answer to the best of my abilities," he replies, still focused on wherever he's staring.

"I've heard that before," I mumble.

"I hear that," he eyes me back with a cynical smirk.

I roll my eyes and adjust myself to a more comfortable position. He sits near me, using the tree trunk as a backrest.

"So, I ask again. Where am I?" I say in very calm tone.

He stares at me for some time before attempting to answer. My patience is beginning is wearing thin and I know he can tell from the impatient look in my eyes, although I stare blankly back at him.

"You are in Eryn Lasgalen," he replies coolly as if I know exactly where I am.

"And where exactly is this Ear...yen place?" I ask, confused by the name. I wasn't going to attempt to pronounce it since I barely understand what he said to begin with. "You also said you were taking me home. This clearly is not home," I point out the obvious.

"I didn't say where you were currently staying," he counters. "I said my home."

"And where exactly is your home?" I look around the area for dramatic effect. "You must be as wealthy as your father for you to afford a place like this," I comment with a hint of sarcasm in my voice, which he didn't seem to appreciate.

He gradually begins to stand, annoyance all over his face. "You are evidently not ready for my answers, Isa."

"Legolas, I was only joking," I smile nicely at him. "I'm sorry. Please sit down." I realize I have to be careful about what I say to him or he might keep my curious thoughts in the dark, forever left unanswered until the end of time. Legolas doesn't seem the type to budge so easily, from what I can tell. His demeanor is also different.

"It's not that simple, Isa," he looks at me with frustration in his eyes as if he's struggling with some kind of inner turmoil. I can't understand what's so hard about my questions. They're simple enough, aren't they? "My explanations might be somewhat hard for you to grasp."

"Try me," I challenge.

A slight smile graces his features. This is a good sign. At least now, he's willing to humor my inquiring mind. "Very well. You seem open-minded enough." He leans back against the tree with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "You want to know where you are?" he asks.

"Yes," I nod, deciding to keep my answer simple without any other add-ons such as, 'Didn't I just asked you that?'

He smirks again. "You are in Eryn Lasgalen, also known as...Mirkwood."

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