The Hammer

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New Mexico

Makeshift S.H.I.E.L.D. Base

SHIELD Agent Phil Coulson walked into the infirmary and took a look at the group of agents who were being tended to by medics. Most of them were just banged around. A few had dislocated limbs. No one was fatally injured. Still...that entire display had been impressive.

"Who the hell is that guy?" one of the injured asked as he guarded his sore arm.

"Not sure," Coulson said before turning back around and walking out.

"Sir, the prisoner is being detained in one of the cells. We've got him surrounded by a Tesla Fence- if he tries to leave, he'll get the shock of his life."

Coulson nodded at the agent and continued to walk down the corridor. As he rounded the corner toward the cells, he saw the man for the first time. He sat in a chair with his back to everyone. His massive shoulders were slumped, as if the entirety of the world weighed upon them.

"What's the story?" Coulson asked. He had seen the hammer. S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites had intercepted a surge of foreign energy as the hammer felt to earth and crashed into the desert. He read the reports of various people attempting to lift it only to fail. He had watched the footage of this man attacking the agents and attempting to retrieve the hammer. But that was all he knew.

One of the agents in charge of security spoke up. "No sooner did we set up this base around the hammer did this guy came barreling through the perimeter, completely unbothered by the fact that we were all armed and had such large numbers. We tried to detain him...well,  you see the result."

Coulson nodded. "Then what?"

"After he finished putting the smack down on everyone, he ran for the hammer and tried to lift it. He tugged a few times and I really thought he was going to do it. We all kind of stood there because he just looked like he should lift it."

"What do you mean?" Coulson asked.

"I don't know. I guess it just felt like if anyone should be able to pick it up, it should be him. He was that convincing. But the hammer didn't move. Then he just sort of slumped to his knees. Completely gave up. He even let us escort him to the cell."

Coulson frowned. This seemed so unusual for a man who folded an entire SHIELD team in half with his bare hands. He turned away and called Director Fury. After relaying the story to him, he received his orders.

"Keep him detained," Fury demanded.

"Trust me, sir- this guy doesn't look like he even wants to make a move."

"I'm sending Mongoose," Fury replied before hanging up.

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