A Noble Sacrifice

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"I brought Karen, as you requested," Coulson said as he approached.

Dean smiled grimly as he took hold of the Milkor Multiple Grenade Launcher from Coulson and checked the ammunition. Six grenades were loaded into the revolver-style chambers. Coulson handed him a shoulder holster with extra rounds and he quickly pulled it on.

"What is that?" Thor asked as he moved more civilians into another SUV.

"This is my hammer," Dean said with a grin.

Thor smiled broadly despite his pain. "You are full of surprises. But I am afraid none of your weapons will be effective." He turned back and watched as The Destroyer suddenly tore through the warriors, tossing them aside as it began to run toward the SUVS.

"Get in!" Coulson shouted.

Dean and Thor leaped into the car just as it began to speed off. One of the SUV's had stayed behind and the agents emerged from it and began to open fire with assault rifles. The massive suit of armor simply ran through the SUV, sending the agents flying as the car exploded.

"We'll never outrun it," Dean murmured as he reached for the door handle and flung it open.

"What are you doing?!" Thor shouted.

"For some reason it stopped chasing you and turned on me. It's me he's after," Dean explained, though he couldn't possibly fathom why. He leaped from the car.

The driver slammed on the brakes and the occupants stared in shock as Dean rolled forward and took off at a brisk run off to meet the Destroyer. "I'll buy you some time to get Thor away from here!"

Thor shook his head and leaped from the car as well. "If you think I am letting you fight my battles for me, you are wrong!" he roared as he chased after Dean.

The Destroyer approached, its helmet once again gleaming with power. It stood still and looked down at Dean.

"Foolish mortal," Loki laughed as he watched Dean stand between The Destroyer and Thor. "This is going to be entirely too rich."

The giant abomination looked as if it were mocking Dean. He felt as if its posture conveyed amusement at the audacity of a mere mortal. It almost seemed like it was obliged to humor him.

"Alright...Karen wants to speak to your manager," Dean growled.

The Destroyer got low, as if charging itself up. It sprang through the air, its fists poised to smash.

"FUCK YOU!" Dean roared as he squeezed the trigger.

A grenade flew through the air with a thick pop and smacked the Destroyer right in the chest. The explosion knocked the Destroyer backward and sent it skidding across the ground. After a few seconds of recovery, it pulled itself up and began to climb to its feet.

Another grenade struck it in its chest and it was thrown in a violent back flip. Each time the Destroyer attempted to right itself, Dean sent another grenade into its path. Thor watched in awe as Dean stalked toward the menace and continued to assail it. Fire gleamed in Dean's eyes. There was something in the beautiful mortal's face that he had only witnessed a small display of- a warrior. Thor's heart pounded in his chest. He was frozen in awe.

"Thor, run! It wants to kill you!" Dean screamed as he began loading more grenades into his weapon.

Thor sprinted forward. It wasn't even an action motivated by a thought process. It was all feeling. All emotion.

The Destroyer pounced.

Dean slid the last grenade into the revolver and latched it.

Thor was mere inches away.

Dean squeezed the trigger.

The Destroyer lunged.

A grenade clipped the Destroyer in its face, tossing it askew in a burst of incendiary light.

Thor yanked Dean away. "You are the fiercest mortal I know!" he spoke passionately as he gripped Dean's arms.

"I'm the only mortal you know," Dean said with a strained smile as he looked over Thor's shoulder at the Destroyer as it began to recover.

Thor smiled and leaned forward, his forehead resting on Dean's. "And you are the fiercest of them. But this must be my fight. I cannot let you sacrifice your life for mine."

Dean shook his head. "But without your powers..."

Thor placed his hand over Dean's mouth. "Without my powers I will die...knowing that I laid down my life for those people...and for you."

Dean watched in dismay as Thor turned and stalked toward the Destroyer, his posture proud and strong. As he walked, he spoke loudly and sincerely. "Brother...I know you are watching and that you can hear me. I do not know what I have done to wrong you...but I do know that these people are innocent. They have done nothing to you. Killing them...killing Dean...will gain you nothing. So, please...take my life instead."

He stood in front of the Destroyer, mere inches away, and looked up into its emotionless helmet.

Loki looked away from the image, his nerve leaving him. Could he do this? Could he kill the witless dullard whom he had called brother? He thought about all the lies he had been told and of the favor he was always denied.

Dean held his breath in hope.

The destroyer pivoted, driving its fist into Thor's body. The force sent him flying across the road and into the desert sands. Dean ran for him as he landed with a terrible snap. He was just reaching Thor as the Asgardian became still. He knelt beside him and reached for his face.

"Thor! You can't go...it's not time yet, you know that!"

Thor looked up at Dean and smiled weakly. Dean ignored the blood and the wounds. He couldn't let himself see these.

Coulson and the other agents had walked toward them, along with Thor's allies. The Destroyer was stalking away from them, its work done.

"I am glad that I knew you...Dean Allen," Thor gasped.

Dean hid his face in Thor's hair and felt the tears coming.

"Do not be sad," Thor spoke more weakly. He looked up at Dean's face and smiled through the pain. "You taught me...and I learned...I learned..."

Dean held onto Thor as his breathing became less frequent. He was vaguely aware of the others around him but he didn't care. Nothing felt real as Thor died in his arms.

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