A Kiss on Top of the World

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Thor's hands were on Dean in seconds. He helped him stand and held him by his shoulders, standing back to look at him as if to make sure everything was intact. "You are well?" he finally asked, his eyes filled with concern.

"I'm alright," Dean said as he looked over at Loki's still form. "What about him?'

Thor nodded and started to walk out of the spire toward his brother. "Loki lives," he said in a bitter voice as he set Mjolnir on top of his fallen brother's chest, pinning him in place. "He will face Asgardian justice for his crimes."

Dean reached for Thor's hand. "I'm...I'm sorry this happened."

Thor smiled down at him and drew him to his side. "Perhaps there is still hope for my brother," he spoke wistfully as the warriors who had come to earth appeared. They were flanked by Heimdall and several Asgardian soldiers. Two figures in particular caught Dean's eye: Frigga and Odin. The king and queen of Asgard stood apart from the group. Frigga's beautiful features were etched with a deep sadness as she gazed upon Loki as he was being shackled.

Odin walked to Thor and stared at him with pride. He opened his mouth as if to speak, then looked at Dean. A vague look of surprise fell upon his face. Odin was powerfully built with a broadness and strength in his every movement. His hair was silver and flowed down to his shoulders. Bearded and brutish in appearance but with an intelligence in his good eye. The other eye was concealed by a golden eyepiece. Dean recalled the myth about him losing it but thought better than to indulge his curiosity.

"My son," Odin said. "I knew that you would find your way."

Thor looked from his father to the mortal at his side. "It was because of Dean that I am here. Were it not for him I would never have learned the most important lesson."

Odin stared at Dean, then looked at Thor again. "And what lesson is that, son?"

Thor smiled. "That war is not the goal. That life is a precious thing meant to be preserved." He gave Dean a gentle squeeze. "And peace is what we should hope for."

"You have shown my son a lot in a short amount of time," Odin said as he stepped closer and looked down at Dean.

"Dean is special to me, father," Thor spoke up.

Odin smiled. "I see that."

Loki was being taken away now, a look of disgusted rage occupying his usual cool demeanor.

"What's going to happen to him?" Dean asked.

"Loki will be tried for treason against Asgard. His attempt to kill Thor and incite and destroy Jotunheim will not go unanswered." He looked at Thor's dismayed face.

Thor shook his head in sadness. "He told me that he discovered the truth about himself. That you killed his family and stole him from Jotunheim."

Odin smiled. "Not so. His father begged me to spare his son's life and take him with me. I honored a dying king's wish and raised Loki as my own. I knew he may one day learn the truth. But I hoped he would understand."

"Loki wanted power and position," Thor said. "He envied your favoritism of me."

Odin cast his eye down. "It would appear that a great king is not always a great father."

"But you are!" Thor argued.

Odin smiled and rested a hand on Thor's shoulder. "I will take your word for it then."

"Perhaps there is hope for Loki. If we could speak with him and try to understand him?" Thor spoke hopefully.

Odin shook his head. "That will not happen today. Perhaps not even tomorrow." He looked at his son and smiled. "We will speak on this more later." He looked from Thor to Dean, and then back again. A slight smile played across his kingly features.

"How are people punished here?" Dean asked as they watched Odin and the others walk back to the city.

Thor smiled at Frigga before returning his attention to Dean. "Punishment depends on the crime."

Dean could sense that Thor was being purposefully evasive. He didn't want to discuss what may become of Loki. He looked out of the spire and up at the sky. The brightness of Asgard resonated in the midst of the cosmos, casting a golden glow across the sky that slowly faded to black. The stars sparkled and strands of cosmic material danced throughout the expanse. Dean stared at it all, finally able to truly take it all in.

"A beautiful view, is it not?" Thor asked as he guided Dean out of the spire and toward the Bifrost.

"That Asgardian air hits a little different. You get to see this every day."

Thor looked at Dean and studied his profile as he looked up into the sky. The glow of gold, purple and orange illuminated him and Thor again felt that he had never seen a more beautiful sight. "It would seem that a more beautiful view was always just beyond all of this," he said as he looked out into the sea of stars and then back to Dean. "You...framed by the stars."

Dean looked at Thor and saw that his eyes were fixed upon him.

"You are more beautiful than all of this," Thor said as he gestured toward the spectacle of the heavens and Asgard. "And by far the bravest mortal I know."

Dean smiled. "I'm the only mortal you know," he said once more.

"And you are the fiercest among them. There are Asgardians whose valor could not match yours."

Dean flushed at the complement. "What happens next?" he asked.

Thor smiled. "I will remain here for Loki's trial. And then I will accompany you on Midgard."

"I could help my people understand if you can't join us," Dean said. "I don't want you to feel obligated. What I did, I did to help you."

Thor placed a finger on Dean's lips. "It would be my honor to repay your kindness. But, more than anything, I wish to be with you." His voice was deep with emotion. "Now...no more talk of what comes next, Fair One."

Dean watched as Thor shut his eyes and leaned down. Their lips met for the first time and Dean wrapped his arms around Thor's neck as the god held him close. It was there, beneath the vault of the stars, that Dean felt himself tumbling into a bliss he hadn't known before. It was there, as they kissed on top of the world, that Thor's heart swelled with a fierce adoration for the mortal who saved his life and made him want to be so much more.

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