Thor's Interest Grows

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Thor grinned broadly as Dean approached the entrance.

"You're awake?" he asked the Asgardian.

"Aye, and lucky to be so, or I might have missed witnessing your prowess in combat." He followed Dean through the corridor. "You are fearsome."

Dean laughed. "Sometimes."

"What was that...that tactic you used to disarm your foe? Your fingers...they looked like a claw."

"It's called Eagle Claw Kung Fu. It's an old martial art form."

"Eagle Claw Kung Fu," Thor repeated, his eyes blazing with fascination.

"It focuses on using the fingers to deliver strikes, locks, pressure points." Dean raised his hand and formed the trademark claw gesture of an Eagle Claw practitioner.

Thor raised his own hand and attempted to mimic Dean. Dean smiled at the thunder god. " this," he said as he reached out and repositioned Thor's fingers. His hand was warm against Dean's. A dissolving sensation passed through him and he let go.

"You must show me more," Thor said.

"I will. But I need to fill Fury in on what just happened with Kazuhiro. And then I really do need to get some rest."

"Yes. I will return to our quarters." Thor spoke the last word with some disdain.

"I have an idea," Dean said.

Thor raised a brow. "Yes, Dean?"

After a quick debrief, Dean collected Thor from the makeshift canteen.

"What is this idea you spoke of?"

Dean beckoned Thor to follow him. They left the installation and hopped into one of the jeeps. Dean pulled out and drove toward the nearby city. The night air whipped through the open jeep as they drove into the city. Thor looked over at Dean and stared at him as the street lights rushed past his face again and again, giving Thor brief glimpses of him.

"What is it?" Dean asked as he caught Thor staring at him.

"I must apologize for discrediting you. You are not what I imagined you would be."

"It happens a lot."

"Well, it shouldn't."

They approached a Comfort Inn and Dean put the jeep in park. Thor stepped out and looked up at the building. "What is this place, Dean?"

Dean retrieved his bad and Thor's and walked around to join him. "It's called a hotel. I decided this would probably be more comfortable for you, so I had a room booked for tonight."

After collecting the room keys, they ascended in the elevator and Dean took Thor to their room. They walked inside and Thor looked around the large suite and nodded approvingly.

"Their beds are a lot larger, as you can see."

Thor grinned. "Good...because the other accommodations..."

Dean laughed. "I know. It's something I got used to, but I wouldn't imagine a prince would feel the same."

Thor scowled playfully. "And what is that to mean?"

Dean shrugged as he set his bag on the table. "Just that I can see where a prince might not tolerate certain conditions."

Thor shook his head and moved in. He grabbed Dean around the waist and heaved him up and over his shoulder. Dean could scarcely react before Thor spilled him out onto the nearby bed and pinned him against the mattress.

"You think me soft, do you?" he growled  as he pinned Dean's arms underneath him.

Dean squirmed and attempted to get out from beneath Thor's weight but could only flop helplessly despite his best efforts.

"Say you submit and I will free you," Thor whispered as his face came dangerously close to Dean's.

Dean stared up into Thor's eyes and spoke in a soft, tremulous voice. "I submit."

Thor smiled warmly and relaxed on top of him. After several heartbeats, he slowly sat up, releasing him. He looked around the room. "I see there are two beds," he remarked.

Dean sat up and rested on his elbows. "Yeah. I thought you might appreciate being able to have a big bed all to yourself."

"Perhaps...but I would prefer to sleep beside you."

"Thor, we need to get something straightened out here," Dean said in a serious tone as he stood up.

Thor sat at the foot of the bed and watched as Dean began to pace back and forth.

"Okay. So things are kind of...unfamiliar to you on earth."


"See...when two each other...they don't always talk about it. Usually they'll keep their feelings guarded. They won't talk about it because if either admits it...then usually things don't work out. Because of this...most humans have to play games with each other where they...kind of...act like they don't care?"

Thor tilted his head. "That seems very dishonest."

Dean nodded. " is. Also...most men I've known don't usually say what they feel. Because they want to keep their guard up and avoid getting hurt or getting attached..." he dropped his hands to his sides.

"That sounds exhausting."

"You have no idea," Dean sighed.

Before Dean could pace anymore, Thor stood and grabbed his shoulders. "I think I am understanding more of what you have experienced, Dean. Perhaps that is why you should not waste your time with mortal men."

Dean looked up into Thor's eyes. "Who would I waste my time with then?"

"Me. Though it would not be a waste of your time in that case."

Dean was very conscious of Thor's hands and they slowly rubbed up and down his arms. "I think maybe we should go to sleep."

Thor dropped his hands slowly to his sides and nodded. "Yes, of course. A warrior must rest his head to prepare for more battles."

Dean excused himself to the bathroom where he took a brisk shower. When he returned to  the bedroom, both beds had been pushed against each other to form one very large bed.

"A large enough space that we might both be permitted room," Thor explained. "But still close enough that you might find warmth in my arms if you choose."

Dean felt touched by his gesture. "I...thank you."

Dean fell asleep as soon as his head found the pillow. Thor, however, remained awake for some time. He lay on his side and watched Dean's chest rise and fall in a slow, gentle rhythm. He stared at the beautiful mortal's face and smiled as Dean scowled and muttered fitfully in his sleep. He chuckled softly at the sound of Dean's innocent babbling.

"You are a silly mortal," Thor whispered.

Moments later, Dean rolled closer to Thor and sleepily found a spot against Thor's chest. He curled up against the Asgardian and the muttering gradually subsided as he fell into a deeper slumber. Thor wrapped an arm around him, hugged him gently, and smiled.

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