The Destroyer

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As Dean and Thor were exiting the restaurant, Dean felt himself pulling away from Thor slightly. He found himself wanting to put some distance between himself and the god. Thor had been uninhibited in expressing his interest in him, and while this wasn't necessarily harming his ego, he wasn't entirely sure how he felt about getting tangled up with an otherworldly being.

He's a god. From Asgard. He's way out of your league. You don't even play the same sport, for crying out loud, he thought to himself as they meandered down the sidewalk and took in the sights around them. He's rugby and you're ping pong.

"Does every mortal live the way you described?" Thor asked.


"Does every mortal choose his or her own destiny? And do they all see life as a fleeting thing that should be respected?"

Dean smiled. "Not everyone."

Thor nodded in understanding. "On Asgard, if you are the son of a soldier then you will be a soldier. The same with farmers, blacksmiths. Kings."

Dean couldn't imagine having to follow in the same footsteps as your parents, although he had done just that. Though it had been his decision. "I'm sorry if I've kind of blown your mind today," he apologized as they walked through a crosswalk.

"There is no need to apologize, Dean," Thor assured him as he protectively put a hand on Dean's lower back as a crowd of pedestrians surrounded them. Dean thought the gesture was sweet. He was defending him from harmless civilians.

Suddenly the entire world seemed to combust around them. One minute they were walking across the street; the next, a resounding crash erupted nearby. The shockwave of the impact sent everyone tumbling across the asphalt. Dean rolled defensively and Thor fell over top of him. As the earth seemed to right itself again, Dean looked up to see Thor's face mere inches from his. His expression was etched with deep concern.

"Dean...are you alright?"

Dean nodded. He then noted the stark change from concern to fury as Thor's eyes looked up

A massive pillar of multicolored light rained down from the sky. When it dissipated, a tall and imposing figure stood.

"The Destroyer," Thor glowered as he stood up and took on an intimidating posture. "Dean, go and find cover."

Dean stood up and looked in the distance. The so-called Destroyer had seemingly dropped from above and landed on top of a parked car, crushing it underfoot. At first glance, Dean could have sworn it was one of Tony Stark's creations. But the look was alarmingly barbaric in comparison. The giant thing was made up of a reflective silver armor, the build intimidating and menacing. It had a helmet with twisting horns and a strange, yellow light shining from within the helmet. As if whatever was inside was a being of pure light.

"This is a being from Asgard. Run, Dean!" Thor barked as he took off toward the creature just as it had begun to dismount from the wreckage.

Dean's pulse thundered in his ears as he watched the giant armored creature reach for the flattened car and upend it with one hand. The scrap metal went flying across the street, colliding with a storefront and smashing through it. The enemy turned around and the glowing light beneath the helmet began to pulse with an extreme radiance. A thick beam shot out from the face and tore through the street, kicking up flecks of asphalt in its wake. The being raised its face and the blast bisected a parked car and the building behind it. People fled, their fear palpable. It was like a virus, spreading among everyone. Even Dean could feel panic seizing him.

No, Dean thought decisively. He had a responsibility to the people around him and to Thor. He wouldn't panic. He grabbed Thor by the sleeve and yanked hard.

"Dean?" Thor asked in a fierce voice that suddenly went soft when he looked down at him,

"You don't have the power to fight that thing, whatever it is. We have to run."

Thor scowled. "Flee?" The son of Odin did not flee.

Dean tapped the discreet earpiece he wore. "Mongoose to Coulson, we've got a situation in town. We need evac and support now. And bring me Karen!" He turned to Thor. "I know you aren't used to turning down a fight but that thing has clearly come from Asgard to find you. We have got to lead it away and protect these people."

Thor set his jaw and nodded. "Of course."

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