Choosing Your Destiny

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The following morning, Dean was awakened when Thor heaved himself out of bed and stood. He had his back to Dean as he stretched and yawned. He had taken his shirt off in the night, and Dean watched the muscles across his wide back.

Had he slept right beside Thor? He wondered as he gradually realized that he was entirely in the space Thor had risen from. The heat around him beneath the blanket told him this was true.

When the god turned around, he quickly snapped his eyes shut and played possum.

"Dean?" Thor asked as he got closer.

Dean feigned awakening and looked at his watch. "You're an even earlier riser than me. How did you sleep?"

Thor smiled. "Very well. The other was only a bed in name."

Dean rolled his eyes and sat up. "You know, to be this mighty prince of Asgard you're kind of a princess."

Thor glared up at him.

"It's a joke, Thor," Dean said with tired amusement. "I'm well aware of how mighty you are.

Thor's glare slowly transitioned into a smile. "I would like to know more about you, Dean."

Dean shrugged as he sat up and stretched. "What more do you want to know?"

Thor waved a hand. "I have heard of your warrior's skills- and seen them. I wish to know more about who you are."

Dean's eyes widened. "Well. I'm going to have to get some coffee pronto if I'm expected to give you my autobiography first thing in the morning."

Thor, as it turned out, greatly enjoyed his coffee. He must have had an entire pot by himself alone. When he gestured that he would like to have more, Dean smiled and suggested he switch to decaf.

"That is if caffeine even affects you."

"Caffeine?" Thor mused as he poured sugar and cream into his mug. "Never mind. Tell me of caffeine later. For now, return to your tale of your family."

"My oldest sister, Janet, is a prosecuting attorney." Thor accepted Dean's explanation of what this entailed, then listened intently as Dean went on to talk about the rest of his siblings.

"You have many skillful members of your family."

Thor then asked about Dean's childhood and upbringing. Dean felt a little overwhelmed with this request, but when Thor watched him intently, he felt he couldn't refuse the request. He dove into the abridged version of his childhood, teen years, and ultimately his adulthood.

"I can't imagine this is interesting to you, Thor. My life isn't nearly as long or storied as yours. You've got to be at least a thousand years old."

Thor shook his head. "But you are interesting to me."

Dean sat back in his chair and looked at his empty mug. "Are you hungry?"

"I can always eat."

Dean grinned. "I have another idea."

"I like your ideas," Thor said as he leaned forward.

"If you're going to visit earth, you can't leave without eating here at least once," Dean explained as they walked into Waffle House.

Thor regarded the restaurant with skepticism. "This place?"

Dean looked at him with an impatient glance. "Thor, do you trust me?"

"Of course, but...this hardly looks like it will compare to the dining halls of Asgard."

Dean shook his head. "Just trust me. The Awful Waffle is an experience you need to have."

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