The Lone Rangers

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Desert Biome, OverWorld

"We're here," Robert said as he hopped off of his horse. He grabbed the rope and tied his horse up to it. He led the way. Daniel and Petra followed close behind.

"What is this place?" Daniel asked as he began looking all around. There were small houses made of smooth sandstone and carved sandstone. There were people riding around the town on their horses.

The town was very much alive. People were sitting down in chairs on their wooden patios tying ropes and such, thus creating lassos. But lassos weren't the only thing they were making. They were crafting iron swords, armor, and all necessities to survive.

Night was approaching. The towns patrolmen were preparing to protect the town from any unwanted mobs such as Zombies, Creepers, and Skeletons. Robert took the ropes off of Daniel and Petra. They were lying on their stomachs on the sandy ground.

The town's children came running up to Sheriff Robert to see what he had brought back with him. All of this attention caught the eye of the town's leader. She came out of her house and examined all of the commotion.

"Sheriff?" She said, "what's going on?"

She began walking towards him, realizing what Robert had brought back to the town. She stopped when she saw who the two people were.

"Found these two out in the forest," Robert said, "thought I'd bring them back to town. Told 'em you'd want to see them."

She frowned, giving Sheriff Robert a weary gaze. She crossed her arms. "Wake them up!"

Robert walked over to them and slightly kicked them. Daniel first, then Petra. They instantly awoke from their sleep. Daniel and Petra stood up faster than anyone had ever seen someone move before.

"State your reasons for being in our territory!" One cowboy shouted.

"Who are you?" Another cowboy asked.

"We—we don't know," Petra said, "we only remember waking up in the middle of the forest."

"How do you not know? Did you lose your memory or something?" The town's leader asked.

"I say we give them the good ol' boot. Kick 'em out of town!" A man said.

"Where even are we?" Petra asked as she gave her surroundings another good examination, "in a desert?" 

"Right on partner," Robert said as the leader raised her arm into the air.

"That's enough. Everyone back to work. This town won't protect itself," the female leader said as the crowd dispersed. Everyone went back to what they were working on.

The woman walked up to Daniel and Petra. Sheriff Robert was standing right behind them next to his horse. Daniel and Petra stared at her. Was she going to do something bad? Or was she coming over to them to simply just talk?

"The name's Elena. Protector and leader of this town," Elena said as she introduced herself to Daniel and Petra, "what are your names?"

"I don't know. I can't remember," Daniel said.

"Neither can I," Petra responded.

Elena stood in place, examining both of them. She knew something was odd about Daniel and Petra. Elena remained quiet as she did so.

"I know you two looked familiar," Elena said, "you're the King and Queen. The first King and Queen to exist on the OverWorld in ages."

"I'm a King?" Daniel questioned.

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