Protecting the Queen

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Kingdom of the Plains, OverWorld

"Does anyone have T.N.T with them?" Daniel asked as he turned around to look at everyone. "I don't think we're getting in through the gate. So we're going to have to blast our way in."

Weston, a blacksmith back in his village, held his arm up into the air. He was holding T.N.T in his hand. Daniel saw the T.N.T and walked over to him. Weston lowered his arm and gave Daniel the one T.N.T he had left.

"Thank you," Daniel said as he walked over to the wall. He set the T.N.T down on the ground directly in front of the cobblestone wall.

Daniel reached into his inventory and grabbed some flint and steel. He rubbed the flint and steel together to create a spark. It took him a couple of tries to light the T.N.T, but it finally worked. The T.N.T began glowing. It was making a hissing sound as it grew bigger and bigger. Daniel quickly backed away so that he wouldn't get injured from the explosion.

Suddenly it detonated, forming a large hole in the wall and on the ground. The grass was on fire. The Guardsmen on the other side of the wall, stood their ground. Their weapons were hot. They were ready to fire upon Victor's command.

"!" Victor said as sudden bolts of lightning continuously struck the ground where the Guardsmen were holding their ground. There was a single blockhead that was capable of doing that...HeroBrine. 

Daniel and Elena and everyone else all looked straight up into the sky. There he was, flying around in the air. The lightning bolts stopped. HeroBrine descended slowly, gently touching down on the ground. Everyone stared at him.

"Thank you HeroBrine," Daniel said with a subtle smile on his face.

"No need to thank me," HeroBrine said, "I'm only doing this for my mother."

"Carlily?" Daniel asked. "Did something happen to her while I was absent?"

"Scarlet executed her," HeroBrine mentioned, "all because she warned Elderon about his fate if he remained in the Kingdom. At first, I didn't believe it. But after she showed me proof that she did execute her, my entire body was shook. And now I too want revenge. So I'm going to help you."

Elena and Daniel listened, not saying a single word. They were in complete and utter shock. Why would Scarlet kill an innocent woman like Carlily? Was it an example of what happens when rules aren't followed? Or was it because she did that to scare the entire Kingdom? Daniel, Elena and everyone else will soon find out.

"Let's go before more guardsmen arrive," Daniel said as he walked through the large hole in the wall. He stood and waited on the other side for everyone else.

The guards that HeroBrine electrocuted with the bolts of lightning weren't dead. Only knocked out. They'll be fine once they wake up. But who knows when that will be.

Everyone walked through the opening in the wall. They all stepped over the Guardsmen's bodies carefully and cautiously. As far as Daniel saw, there weren't anymore guards.

"The rest of the guards are probably guarding the Castle," Daniel theorized, "if that's the case, we need bait to lure them away from the Castle entrance. Ideas anyone?"

"I could fire another explosive arrow. I have two left," Earl mentioned.

Daniel considered that idea. It sounded like that idea would work. "Do it. Fire the explosive arrow."

Everything was silent. The Kingdom looked empty. No one was walking around. It looked like a ghost town or something.

Earl loaded the explosive arrow into his crossbow. He tilted his head back and aimed the crossbow up into the air. He then pulled the trigger, firing the arrow. Just as the arrow was ascending, it began to fall back towards the ground.

"Shield yourselves," Daniel said as he watched the arrow fall to the ground. Right upon impact, the arrow exploded.

"How are you so sure they'll fall for this trick?" Elena asked Daniel.

"It will," Daniel said as he stared at the sight where the explosion occurred, "watch!"

Just as Daniel said, guards appeared. There were about six of them. They were examining the hole in the ground. As the guards were busy doing that, Daniel turned his head and looked over his right shoulder. "C'mon. This is our only chance."

Together, everyone was slowly and quietly walking throughout the Kingdom, bound for the Castle. As they were doing that, Scarlet was sitting in her chair in the Throne room. She was growing more and more concerned and nervous.

She had heard the second explosion. Only this time, it sounded much closer than the last one did. That could only have meant one thing—the intruders got into the Kingdom.

Now was a good time to start panicking. Scarlet knew that her time as Queen was running out and that if the intruders somehow got into the Castle, she was doomed. Or was she?

"Your majesty," a guard shouted as he ran down the carpeted centered aisle. Once he stopped running, he began to catch his breath. "It's the intruders. They blew up the wall to get into the Kingdom. Eight guards, including Victor, were down."

"How many men do you have left?" Scarlet asked.

"Only six, including me, your majesty," the guard answered.

"Where are they now?" Scarlet asked as she stood up from her seat. She crossed her arms as she became dangerously angry.

"There's been no sight of them," the guard said, "but I have my men searching for them as we speak."

"Do not let them get into the Castle. Is that understood?" Scarlet asked in an intimidating tone.

"Yes, your majesty," he said.

"Good. You're dismissed," Scarlet said as she sat back down in the chair.

The guard turned around and ran down the aisle and out of the Throne Room and out into the hallway. Scarlet was alone again in the Throne room, patiently waiting for the results from the battle.

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