Rescuing Petra

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The Crimson Forest, NetherWorld
Nether Portal

"Thank you for your help, EnderBrine," Daniel said as he held his hand out. Daniel smiled, as did EnderBrine. They shook hands.

"You're very welcome, your majesty," EnderBrine responded. He then glanced over at Elena. He didn't want to say anything that would upset her or make her anymore mad at him than she already was.

"Elena," EnderBrine said as he caught her attention. She looked at him and just stared at him. No smile, no handshake. Nothing. He could tell she still hated him. "Please forgive me. What I did to you in the past isn't me anymore. I've changed. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry for everything. For all of the trouble and chaos NetherBrine and I caused."

"I have a feeling that you're just pretending to be nice," Elena said, "Merlin and I fought a lot of bad people in the past. All of those bad guys played the same card as you. I can tell when someone, like yourself, is lying."

"I understand," EnderBrine said, "but can you guys do one favor for me when you return home?"

"Absolutely," Daniel said, "what may that be?"

"Let the world know how sorry I am for my actions. That this punishment was enough. I've learned from my past actions. And for that, I shall never do what I did back then again."

"Of course EnderBrine," Daniel said, "Once we defeat Scarlet and my leadership is restored, I will staff the counsel on letting you come home. But in the meantime, you will have to stay here."

"I have all the time in the world, your majesty," EnderBrine mentioned, "I can wait a while longer."

"Thank you," Daniel said as he glanced over at Elena and slightly nodded his head. "We must be getting back. Petra needs our help."

"Indeed we shall," Elena said as she looked at EnderBrine once more before walking through the portal. Daniel smiled embarrassingly at EnderBrine.

"She's a handful, is she not?" EnderBrine asked.

"She's still upset. Just give it time. She'll get over it soon. Trust me," Daniel answered, "I'll be back soon. May we meet again."

"Indeed," EnderBrine said, "safe travels, your majesty. I believe that you can defeat Scarlet."

"Thank you, EnderBrine," Daniel said as he turned to face the Nether Portal. He put one foot in front of him and then stepped through the portal. Elena was waiting for him on the other side. She had her arms crossed. Elena was clearly upset. That part was obvious.

"We need to hurry. We don't have time to have a conversation with anyone, Daniel," Elena said in a frustrated tone. "We need to find the Witch."

Daniel nodded his head silently. He didn't speak a single word. Together, Elena and him began running back in the direction of the Swamps. The only thing they didn't do, which they should have, was deactivate the portal.

What they didn't know was that once they were gone, a foot stepped through the portal, followed by an entire body. It was EnderBrine. He examined his new surroundings and smiled.

"Welcome back EnderBrine," EnderBrine said to himself, "boy had it been awhile. Oh how I've missed this world so much."

As for Petra and the Witch, they were back at the Witch's hut. It was mid afternoon. Petra was chained to the wall, unable to break free from the restraints.

"Time's been up for quite awhile. I knew your friends didn't care about you," the Witch said, "or otherwise they would be back by now."

"You do realize that time in the NetherWorld moves slower than it does up here, don't you?" Petra questioned.

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