That Sneaky, Sneaky Witch

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Swamp Biome, OverWorld

"We should've waited until dawn to venture out of town," Petra said, "I've ventured into the Swamps before. Let me tell you this...the swamps are not somewhere where you want to be stuck in."

Elena pulled out her map from her inventory. She looked down at it to see where the Snowy Tundra Biome was. That was where the last active Nether Portal was located.

The swamp was no place for a rightful King and Queen. Daniel and Petra knew that for a fact. Witches roamed the swamps, as did slime. Bats squeaking could be heard all around them. The murky water was being disturbed as slithering snakes and fish swam around in it.

"If I'm correct, we need to venture west," Elena said, "that's where the Snowy Tundra Biome is. Stay close and stay sharp."

Elena and Daniel began walking. Petra saw them walking away and hurried over to them. She didn't want to be left alone. Out of all the biomes, the swamps were Petra's least favorite one to be in.

As they continued to journey through the swamp, Elena stopped walking. Daniel and Petra did too.

"Quick," Elena whispered, "hide behind a tree!"

Daniel and Petra ran over to a tree and hid behind it. Elena did the same. What Elena saw was a Witch. If they were to be spotted by the Witch, she wouldn't greet them very nicely.

"Be as quiet as possible," Elena said as she crept out from behind the oak tree. Daniel and Petra quietly followed behind her.

They were now very carefully venturing through the swamps, trying not to disturb the witch. But that didn't go as Elena had hoped. Elena was in front, with Daniel behind her, and Petra behind him.

Without noticing it because it was dark, Elena accidentally stepped on gravel. When she did, the Witch nearby heard it and turned around. It saw Elena, Daniel, and Petra and immediately began running towards them. It quickly grabbed a potion of harming out and held it in its hands.

"Run!" Elena said.

Elena, Petra, and Daniel all began running away from the Witch in a hurry. As they were running, Petra looked over her shoulder. The Witch vanished into thin air. A momentary sense of relief overcame Petra.

"She's gone," Petra said as she turned her head back to the front. When she did, the witch appeared right in front of her. The Witch grabbed Petra's arm. She screamed.

Elena and Daniel both stopped running. They both turned around to see Petra being held captive by that sneaky, sneaky witch. "Petra!" Daniel said.

"If you want her back, you must do something for me," the Witch said.

"We don't help bad blockheads like you," Daniel said, "do you know who I am?"

"Should I?" The Witch responded.

"I'm a King!" Daniel said.

"Don't care," the Witch said, "you're all the same to me—weak!"

"What is it you need? We'll do anything," Elena pleaded to the Witch.

"I need some glowstone dust from the Nether. Oh and some nether wart too," the Witch said, "bring me these items by dawn and your friend lives. If you do not return with these items, your friend's head would make a nice centerpiece for my table."

"You wouldn't dare," Daniel said, "monster!"

"I mean, I would go and fetch those items myself but...seeing that you banished EnderBrine to the Nether, I swore to never go there again," the Witch said.

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