Chapter 2

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I wake to my sisters in my bed. Ludus runs a slim finger down my nose. She was always playful. She smiles at me as I open my eyes and glare at her. "Wake up V. Time to get you ready for Olympus." She squeals at me excitedly. Her blonde hair was wavy and framed her face.

I roll over and Agape throws an arm around me. "Come on. We will be quick." She tells me. Her smile was so sweet and caring. I sit up and groan.

"Fine." I grunt and get out of bed. They set me in a chair and begin braiding my hair as Philia brings a dress into the room.

"Oh, good you're up. I have the perfect dress for you." She says proudly. She holds up a beautiful dark red dress with gold accents. It reminded me of the color of blood but I know she meant the color to symbolize passion and pleasure. I smile at it.

"That's beautiful Philia. Thank you." I tell her.

She smiles at me and her white teeth are almost blinding. "You are welcome V. I am so excited for you today. You will have so many people fawning over you. You already are so beautiful." She tells me and I smile. They were the beautiful ones. I was average.

"Ok, hair is done, go get dressed." Agape tells me beaming. Her bright blue eyes were filled with happiness at her handywork.

I dress quickly in the bathroom and come out in the red dress. It was draped over my breasts, so it hugged them tightly and the gold belt accentuated my waist. The slit let them see my toned legs underneath the fabric of the skirt. Ludus walks up and puts gold leaf pins in my hair and I feel beautiful.

"You look amazing V." They all say.

We head downstairs where mom was patiently waiting, and Dad was pacing the floor. Eros lounged in a chair and whistles when I come down the stairs. I laugh and Dad looks up and smiles then frowns.

"Don't you girls think it shows too much?" He asks anxiously.

I look at Mom, Agape, Ludus, and Philia's dresses that were almost sheer and had deep slits in them. Mine was very modest compared to them. The women frown at Dad as Eros stands and extends a hand too me. "You my darling sister look radiant. Dad is just worried because you have never been more tempting than you are now." Eros says as he kisses my hand. I laugh and Dad smiles at me. I walk over and hug him.

"Stay close and my dress will not be a problem." I whisper in his ear. As I pull back he winks at me in agreement.

"We must get going. V are you ready?" Mom asks me. I nod and we all grab hands. They teleport us to the Palace of Zeus on Olympus and I open my eyes to see white marble columns everywhere. There were little nymphs everywhere as they had platters of drinks and food for all the guests. One walks up and holds out a tray with glasses of liquid on it. We each take one and I sip it.

Eros watches and smiles at me as I lick my lips. "It's Ambrosia, good right?" He says and I nod at him.

I look around and everyone has taken notice of us. I stood to the back of our group so I watch Dad tense as a tall man with dark black hair walks up to him and slaps him on the back.

"Ares, this must be your prized child. She really is a stunner." The man laughs as my dad frowns.

"Zeus, allow me to introduce my daughter Venus. Venus this is Zeus, King of the gods." My dad says.

"Venus, you look amazing. We are so happy to have you here. Please have fun and enjoy everything Olympus has to offer. Later I will call on you to see how you are settling." He says and his eyes blaze with desire at his last words. I almost roll my eyes. This man was handsome, but I had no desire to be another conquest for Zeus. His dark hair and sun kissed skin was not as tempting with his full beard that did nothing for me. I had plenty of friends who would kill for a night with him, but I was not one of them.

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