Chapter 10

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I walk into my room and close the door. I didn't want to be teased about this. I was so scared now that this was finally happening, and I didn't know what to do. These boys could really break my heart. I know they said they wouldn't, but does anyone plan on breaking someone's heart?

I walk over and undress before throwing on some pj pants and a tank top. I head over to my bed and slip under my covers. I reach up to turn my bedside table light off and once I do the room is cloaked in darkness. I lay there and after a few minutes I notice the darkness was darker than normal. I squint into it and before I could understand I see Erebus walk out of the shadows.

"Hi baby." He says quietly and a little sheepishly.

"Hi." I say tentatively as I sit up in bed. He walks over and sits next to be on the edge of my bed.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" He asks me and I swear I saw red creeping slowly up his face and neck. He was blushing. I melt at the sight of it.

I pull back the edge of the covers and say, "Get in." He grins at me and quickly undresses and hops under the covers. His strong arms pull me close and I lay my head on his chest. I relish the warmth of his skin pressed against me as he rubs a hand up and down my arm that is placed on his chest. I place one of my legs over his making sure every inch of my body was pressed closely to him.

We lay there quietly for several minutes before one of us speaks. "What made you come here?" I asked him. I look up at his face for his answer.

"I missed you. I didn't want to sleep without you and after everything today I wanted to make sure you were safe at night. You never know how a god can effect someone's sleep or dreams." He says and I understand what he is saying. I didn't know if someone would try to get to me while I was sleeping. I never would have thought of that. His lavender eyes almost glow in the darkness as they look at me with such concern and care.

I snuggle back into his chest and think on his words. "Thank you. I feel better knowing you are here. I was sad to see you go tonight." I tell him honestly. He pulls me even closer and kisses the top of my head.

"Anything for you V." He says into my hair. I let my head slowly rise and fall with his chest as he breathes in and out. I slowly start to drift off to sleep in the comfort of his arms. As I fall asleep, I hear him say, "I love you Venus."

I dream about the Arena and fighting Zeus. My heart is pumping and adrenaline courses through my body as I run and dodge his lightning bolts. Frantically I look around for a way to get past him and away. Everyone is just sitting there in the stands frozen in place watching in silent horror as I battle the King of the gods.

A lightning bolt rushes past me and barely misses. I could feel the electricity brush my skin and singe some of the hair on my arm. I rub it as I roll out of the way and I see a bow and arrow. I run to it and grab it as I duck behind a metal chest that holds other weapons. Another bolt lands on the wall next to me. I feel my panic start to set in. I was going to be killed if he ever got a good hit in.

I notch an arrow and pull back as I stand and fire one at him. I use my powers to add fire on it at the end and it almost gets him, but he moves at the last seconds. He tsks his tongue at me. "Venus, this will all be over if you just willingly come to me. All you have to do is surrender and let me kiss you like you let Poseidon and Hercules."

Surrender? Was this dude serious there was no way I was giving him a kiss. I cut a hole in the chest in front of me and pull out several daggers and a rope. It was better than nothing.

"I will not come to you." I say through gritted teeth as I run out and shoot another arrow at him as he pulls back to throw another bolt at me. My arrow grazes his arm and he momentarily stops as blood trickles down his bicep. He looks down at it and growls.

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