Chapter 5

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I wake up from my orgasm and I'm drenched in sweat. I take deep breathes trying to calm myself when Eros bangs on my door.

"My gods could you not do that! You will walk up all of Olympus with wet dreams. Reign in your fucking powers now!" He screams at me and I grimace, not only did I have a wet dream but at least everyone in my house did too from my powers.

"Eros don't yell at her. She does not have full control yet." My mother yells at him. "V open up." She says gently. I open the door and let her in. She looked flushed as I'm sure I did too. "Darling are you ok?" She asks me as she looks me over.

"Yes, I'm sorry. It was just a dream." I tell her. She takes my face in her small hands and makes me look at her.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm glad you had a good dream. Care to share who it was about?" She asks me excitedly.

I laugh and shake my head no. "No mom, I think that is one secret I will keep to myself." I tell her and she pouts.

"Fine keep it to yourself." She says. "Now you have a couple hours before you and your father are going to train, why don't you try to sleep?" She suggests. I nod and go back to my bed. "Sweet dreams my little pleasure goddess." She says with a smile. I roll my eyes at her.

I lay there and can't find sleep. I decide to go out on my balcony and watch the waves. As I sit there, I notice a figure walking on the beach. As they draw closer, I realize it's Poseidon. He was just in shorts as he walked up the beach. I admired his abs and chest as I watch him closely. He looks up at the balcony and sees me and waves to me. I wave back and he smiles. He walks up towards my house and I walk down to the patio. He meets me and we sit on the steps leading to the beach.

"What are you doing up?" He asks me as I sit by him.

"I had a dream and couldn't fall back asleep." I say to him.

"Funny I had the same thing happen to me." He says and I blush.

"Hmmm." I say and try not to give away that I can guess what type of dream he had.

"What was yours about?" He asks me and I choke on air. He slaps my back to try and help me but it's no use. I was just an idiot.

"Well it's personal." I say after I recovered. "What about you?" I ask him.

"It is personal as well. But it involved you. It's one of the reasons I walked up here. I wanted to check on you." He tells me and I gape at him. He did not just tell me he had a wet dream about me, to me, did he? I laugh and try to figure out what to say.

"I'm surprised it wasn't about Nemesis." I say bitterly before I can stop myself. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Why would it be about her? I'm not attracted to her." He says bluntly and I look at him to see if he is lying.

"Who are you attracted to?" I ask him defiantly. He grins and touches his shoulder to mine.

"I think you already know." Is all he tells me and I look away so he can't see my smile. "Who are you attracted to?" He asks me. I look into his gorgeous eyes and can't help it when my heart skips a beat.

"Many gods at the moment. I still haven't decided who will win my affections. I have many eligible bachelors who have made their motives known." I tell him honestly. "A few that I have questions on." I add and look at him before turning away.

"Surely you know if you have any doubts you could ask me." He says and puts his hand on mine. His big hand encased my small delicate hand and his warm skin felt nice against my cool skin. I look up into his blue eyes and again feel like there are waves pulling me into him.

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