Chapter 9

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There was a knock at the door and our guest had arrived. I was a little irritated because I did want to spend more time with my three suitors but Thanatos and Hypnos walk in and I instantly get happy. They each kiss a hand and greet me.

"Hello boys. It's good to see you again. Sorry to run off before our tour could be finished." I apologize.

"Don't worry, we can continue some other time." Thanatos tells me with a small smile. They move out of the way so I could greet the other guest.

"Hello Athena, Artemis. Lovely to see you both." I say.

"Venus, very well played today. You were so enjoyable to watch. You have many suitors don't you?" Artemis says and nods to the five men behind me talking. She couldn't see it but Phobos was secretly holding my hand behind my back.

"Yes, it would seem so." I say coyly.

Athena laughs, "You are too modest little one. You have all of Olympus ready to fight for you. Speaking of, Hermes told me you wanted to speak with me?"

"Yes, I was wondering if we could set up a capture the flag game? I just heard about how the gods play and I would love to watch or even participate." I ask her.

Her face lights up and she looked very happy at my suggestion. "That is a fabulous idea! I will have a nymph let Hermes know to tell everyone. We will play tomorrow afternoon. I take it you will be on your father's team?" She excitedly talks.

"I will be on either team. I have no preference." I tell her. Phobos squeezes my hand and I peak over my shoulder at him. He winks at me and I smile and blush turning my head. Athena and Artemis caught me and smile at me.

"It seems some of your suitors have played the game well so far." Athena says approvingly. "Wait until you see them use their powers, truly you have no idea what gods are like until their powers are displayed." Athena tells me conspiratorially.

They move on as more people were waiting to say hello to me. Apollo walks up to me with a giant bouquet of flowers. I look at him surprised. He looked a little embarrassed to be holding them out to me. I take them with my free hand and smell them. They were beautiful and I really did appreciate them.

"These are for you. Did you get my note?" He asks me nervously.

"Yes, thank you. I really appreciate this Apollo. I agree with you. I might have written you off too quickly and I am sorry about that. I would like to learn more about you." I tell him honestly.

He smiles at me and nods his head. "I would really like that Venus. I am sorry for how I acted, but I do really want to get to know you." He says earnestly. I see Zeus walk in the door and so does Apollo. He glares at him and turns back to me. "If you need saving just wink at me and I'll come rescue you." He says quietly to me as he brushes a hand down my arm and places a soft kiss on my cheek before moving out of the way.

Zeus walks up and eyes the flowers in my hand. Obviously scolding himself for not thinking of some romantic gesture like that. Before he can say anything, Deimos turns around and steps next to me. "Darling, why don't I put those in your room in a vase?"

"That would be lovely thank you." I tell him. He grabs them and gives Zeus a warning glare. He glares back and frowns at Deimos back as he walks toward my room.

"Hello Venus. I take it you got my letter since you replied. Thank you for inviting me. I see Deimos knows where your room is." He says irritated. Phobos squeezes my hand to calm me as I had instantly bristled at Zeus's implied comment. Even if it was true that Deimos knew where my room was, it was none of his concern. His thumb rubs my hand reassuringly and I pull my other hand around my back to hold him tightly. I pull him a little closer, so we are almost touching back to back.

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