Chapter 4

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"Venus, you look stunning. Green is just as bewitching as red on you." Hercules says to me as he kisses my hand. I smile at him genuinely and try to not blush.

"You look very handsome Hercules. I'm sorry our time got cut short earlier, but I am glad I get to see you again tonight and tomorrow for our contest." I tell him as I grab onto his muscular arm as he leads me to a seat on a lounge.

"No worries V. I understand your need to get away from Apollo. He can be insufferable." He says with a chuckle. I giggle and nod in agreement. "Have you given more thought about what the prize will be to our contest?" He asks me grinning at me. I loved the golden-brown hair of his that almost shimmered in the light. It looked so soft and I wanted to touch it.

"Oh yes, I think leaving my response as a surprise for the winner would be the best way to build the anticipation. Don't you agree?" I ask him as I bat my eyelashes at him and his smile widens. His blue eyes sparkle at my flirting and I can tell he is excited for the prospect of winning a kiss.

"I agree." He says to me. Eros walks up and hands us each a goblet of wine before reclining in a chair next to us.

"Don't look now but Zeus is on his way over here." Eros tells us. I stiffen at the idea of dealing with him again. Hercules feels it and puts a reassuring hand on mine.

He squeezes it and says, "I'll protect you from him." I nod and smile at him gratefully.

"Hello Venus, so nice of you to join us again." Zeus says as he sits next to me a little to close for my comfort.

"Hello Zeus, I am sorry. My father needed to have a private conversation with me earlier." I explain and give him a polite smile before looking at Eros for help. Eros shrugs and doesn't say a word.

"I hope he talked to you about dismissing the king of gods so quickly." He says in my ear and I feel chills run down my spine.

"Yes, he did." I lie to appease the man next to me. Dad sees our exchange and before he can make his way over here, Poseidon appears in front of me and offers me his hand.

"Can I steal you away for a dance?" He asks me. I quickly grab his hand and let him pull me to the dance floor where several couples were dancing. I give Hercules a sorry smile and he nods at me not upset, he knew I just wanted away from Zeus. Zeus looked upset that Poseidon had interfered. I could see the sparks surrounding his fists. He grabs my wine and downs it.

"Are you ok?" Poseidon asks me as he wraps an arm around my waist. I look up at his face and his expression of worry seemed legitimate. I see my dad behind him shaking his head at me. I ignore him for the moment and enjoy my time in Poseidon's arms.

"Yes, thanks to you. I was about to be lectured about leaving the king of the gods wanting." I tell him and the anger that flashes across his face was brief before he hides it behind a forced chuckle. He shakes his head before he speaks.

"Seems like something he would do. You are not beholden to him. You know that, right?" He tells me. I nod and we continue to slow dance. "Do you want me to stay close all night?" I was shocked by his question. I had not thought of it.

"My father has several gods he wants me to meet so I think I will be busy most of the night." I tell him honestly. He looks disappointed but nods in agreement. Before the next song continues my father buts in.

"V, I would like to introduce you to several gods, if you would excuse us Poseidon." He says gruffly and glares at Poseidon. I give Poseidon a small smile before grabbing my dad's arm and letting him lead me to a table of men.

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