Chapter 6

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I pull back panting from his kiss as his blue eyes sparkle into mine. I move my hands away from him as I feel myself control waning. I look around at our audience and see a mostly unhappy group of people. Mom looks worried, while dad looked furious. The boys looked annoyed and ready to jump in, except for Soter who was just sitting there calmly. Zeus had sparks on his hands, and I was not ready for round two with him.

Poseidon lets go of me and I take a step back to distance myself. "Are you ready to tour Olympus. I think that is enough training for the moment." Thanatos says as he stands and walks over to me, offering his arm. I take it, grateful to get out of the room with rising levels of testosterone.

Hypnos takes my other arm as they lead me out of the arena. Outside had beautiful trees lining the walkway back towards the city. Most of the buildings were mad out of marble and were stunning in the sunlight.

"That was quite a show you put on." Thanatos says looking at the buildings.

"Is that good or bad?" I ask him raising an eyebrow. His lips quiver upward and he shrugs.

"It is both. You have made Zeus probably want you more, but he will probably go about getting you in a different way now, knowing you could take away all of his pleasure. You kissed three of your suitors. Which opens up a whole new level of play for them to achieve and compete at." Hypnos says thoughtfully and gives me a gentle smile. I walk quietly with them as they take me through the streets.

"What is this building?" I ask them as we walk up to a gigantic building with several flights of stairs to get up to it. It had white flowering bushes lining the steps.

"It is Athena's library. It houses the history of the gods and goddesses." Thanatos says and I look up in awe. There were gold owls perched on the top of the columns.

"This is amazing." I say and they smile at me.

"We thought you might like to see it." Hypnos says and slings an arm around my shoulder. "We have one more place to show you."

He leads me to a giant amphitheater, and I look down at the stage. I could imagine this place filled with gods and goddesses watching plays.

"This is where your family preforms their summer concert." Thanatos says. I nod and realize what he is saying. In a few days I will be preforming here for the gods of Olympus.

"Are you ready for that?" Hypnos asks and I don't know what to say. I hadn't thought of it at all, but now it made me nervous.

"I don't know." I say. They walk in and take a seat. I sit next to them and recline back closing my eyes. I wanted to relax here for a moment before I had to deal with anything. They recline next to me and I enjoy that we could just sit here.

"Can I ask you a question Hypnos? It's about your powers?" I ask timidly.

"Of course." He says and looks at me curiously. His blonde hair is lit by the sun in this light and his light grey eyes are so pale.

"Are you able to see my dreams?" I ask him.

"Yes and no. If I wanted to walk in your dreams I could but I can not go in past dreams if that is the worry." He says to me. He had read my mind. I was worried he was able to see who I had been dreaming about.

"Ok, I was curious. How does it work with what happened last night? Do you get effected by it if you are walking in someone else's dream?" I ask him and he laughs.

"Yes, you still affected me. When I step into a dream, I become a part of it." He explains.

"Whose dream were you in?"

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