Chapter 11

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We head into my house and I was immediately pulled into my mother's arms. She held me fiercely as she said, "I am so glad you are ok! I was so worried. I never imagined this would happen Venus. I am so sorry." I held her and let her get all of her fears out.

"It's ok mom. I am fine. I don't blame you at all." I tell her. She pulls away and lets my sisters take turns hugging me. Once they are done, I look at my Dad. He looked so sad and tired. He was unsure of what to do. I ran to him and threw myself in his arms. "I'm so sorry." I whisper to him. "I didn't know it wasn't a nightmare otherwise I never would have done that." I said to him.

He grips me tighter. "Don't be sorry my little warrior. I am so proud of you for handling yourself and protecting yourself. I am sorry I wasn't able to protect you." He tells me. I could hear the emotions in his voice as he says those words. This was killing him. I let my tears start falling. I never meant for him to feel this helpless.

"Speaking of protecting her, we have a plan." Deimos says. My Dad lets go of me and gestures for everyone to go to the living room to talk. I leave him and sit between Phobos and Deimos as Erebus stands behind me and Poseidon sits in the chair next to us.

"Please hear us out. Hypnos has agreed to stop Zeus from getting to Venus in her sleep and has dream walkers protecting her dreams, but we worry Zeus will physically try to get to her, so we are suggesting we stay with her and protect her at all times." Deimos says as he holds my hand.

My Dad takes in their words while my mom looks at us in shock. "You want to stay here with her? Are you all crazy? Do you know what that will look like? That is the opposite of what Venus wanted. How can she pick any of you if you are all here?" She rambles. I get her point but at this point I was more worried about being safe than finding a mate.

"We do not have to stay here. We can stay at my palace. Zeus is less likely to find her there. We can have Erebus sneak her out every night like last night and no one will know but the people in this room. The boys are welcome to be there with her. Our goal is to protect her at this moment, at least until Zeus calms down. The courting can be put on hold until she is safe." Poseidon reasons with her. She looks upset by his involvement in the plan but it was the best plan.

"How do we know you won't hurt her? You have a reputation as bad as Zeus." Ludus says to him. This was a new side to her. She was never this hard and direct, her nature was playful and whimsical.

"I love Venus. I will do what I can to keep her happy, safe, and protected. I know my past is not the best and I have no reason for you to trust me but I will do anything to prove that I am here for her." He says earnestly looking at all of my family. I give him a small smile.

"As much as we don't like him, he saved her ass last night. This plan works because he is right, Zeus would not go after her at his house. If he did I would bet money on Poseidon winning." Phobos states. "He does care for her and we four could make it work as we keep Venus safe." Poseidon nods his head in agreement. Did these four men just agree to sharing me?

I look at them a little bewildered and Eros chuckles. "This is too rich. She has four powerful gods wrapped around her finger and she won't commit to any of them, so they all agree to share her favor. You must really be something V." I growl at him and before I can react a pool of water surrounds Eros.

He frantically tries to get out, but he can't break through. Mom and my sisters look horrified as Dad sits there assessing the situation. My boys all have smug smiles on their faces, especially Poseidon. He winks at me before moving the water so Eros can breathe.

"I told you to never disrespect her again in my presence." He simply tells Eros who is gasping and glaring at him.

"Eros, you just said it. She has four powerful gods willing to battle Zeus and you think it's smart to antagonize them, especially if they have already warned you." Dad asks him exasperated at Eros's stupidity, but turns to face the boys, "Please don't kill my stupid son. Let Venus kick his ass and handle it. I won't hate her for killing him." He adds.

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