Chapter 12

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The next day we wake up and hear a commotion downstairs. We curiously take a look and find my mom and sisters running around the living room with racks of dresses and make up all over the place as they excitedly chatter.

"What's going on?" Erebus asks me. I shrug my shoulders in confusion.

"Venus! Finally your up! We need to get started right now on your makeup and hair!" Agape screeches at me. I jump as she grabs my arm and pulls me towards the middle of the room. I shoot a distressed look to my boys who stand there and smile at me in my own personal hell as she and my sisters start brushing my hair and applying make up to my face as I try to swat them away.

"Stop fidgeting or I will mess up." Ludus grumbles at me. I glare at her and she laughs before bopping me on the nose with a makeup brush. I sat there stunned as everyone else laughs.

"Help me." I whisper loudly at the boys as my sisters continue to hold me down and torture me.

"Why are you doing this to her?" Phobos asks as he tentatively steps towards me, hopefully to help free me. I feel hope bubble up in my chest as he gets closer.

"For the Summer of Love Concert. Duh." Ludus says and giggles as she cakes more makeup on my face.

"Oh, I see. Maybe she has enough makeup on Ludus. I think she looks great right now." He says as he closes the space between us and gently tries to pull me from their clutches. Those witches all turn and face him in unison like a fucking group of robots and glare at him.

"She needs to finish. The rest of us have been up for hours getting ready, we let you all sleep in and now the concert is in two hours." Agape admonishes him. I send him another pathetic save me stare and he shakes his head no at me. I glare at him and the others laugh. I turn my glare at them.

"Boys, go home and change and meet us at the theater. We need to get ready and will be over there soon." Mom tells them and they all nod and kiss me goodbye. Once they leave the girls quickly get me in my outfit and get hair and makeup done so we can leave.

Once at the theater we warm up and Mom has all of the chairs set up in a V shape with the center closest to the audience. I stay backstage as the audience fills in. My siblings start several songs and I wait until I hear the intro of Black Space by Taylor Swift. I walk out and sing the song as the audience cheers loudly. I thought it was a fitting intro as this would be one of my first times showcasing myself to almost all of Olympus.

As my song ends, I take my seat in the middle. All of our chairs were very close and it was nice having my siblings so close. The next several songs went well. My sisters led them, and I waited for Mom to introduce our next song. "The next song is a song about heart break and looking back on a past relationship. I hope you enjoy listening to Venus sing this incredible song." The intro to All Too Well began to play and I took a deep breath. I let the words fall out of my mouth as I softly sang.

I walked through the door with you, the air was cold
But something 'bout it felt like home somehow and I
Left my scarf there at your sister's house
And you still got it in your drawer even now
(I look around at the crowd as I sing. Most of the gods and goddesses watch and listen to me intently. I sweep my gaze at the top row of people and see Zeus looking at me with his usual intensity.)

Oh, your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze
We're singing in the car, getting lost upstate
Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place
And I can picture it after all these days
(I let my voice show laughter at the memories. I could practically see the scenes in the song. Hell I had lived these scenes a long time ago. I guess that's why I loved this song so much. I connected to it.)

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