Chapter 2- A Hufflepuff and Slytherin

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~Annas POV~

The next day Lily and I woke up right on time for our first class together, potions. When we got in we sat at the same seats we did last year, the desk 2 rows from the back. We put down our wands on the table and got our books from our book bag, that's when the door slammed open. In came Draco Malfoy. He rushed in and went to the only seat left empty, the one at the desk right behind me and Lily.

"Malfoy." Started Snape in his slow, monotone voice.

"Why are you late?" The whole class turned towards Malfoy waiting for his excuse.

"I had lost my tie," said Malfoy.

We all knew it was an excuse and so did Snape, but Snape didn't do anything about it and just started the lesson. Lily leaned towards me.

"Lame excuse, even for him" She whispered.

Snape told us about the upcoming project. A project where there are 2 partners and you can make any potion you'd like, but it has to be perfected. As soon as we heard the word partners, Lily and I looked at each other and nodded. I could tell we were both thinking about the same potion and how we'd do it. Snape explained more about the different types of potions we had learned and different ways we could present them. But then he finished it all of by saying,

"I will pick partners."

Me and Lily looked at each other with horror. Randomized partners. We didn't stand a chance of getting paired together knowing Snape. He explained that partners would be assigned next class and that today we will be reviewing and practicing old potions. Lily and I decided to start off easy and work our way to the harder spells. As we were talking I felt a tug on my hair. I turned around and saw Malfoy leaning back in his chair smirking. I decided to turn around to get back to work. I know that he just wants a reaction. Then he tugged at my hair again.

"I swear to god this bitch." Lily whispered under her breath.

I turned around and there he was in the same position as last time. I gave in.

"What do you want?" He just sat there with the same smirk that had a sort of evil feel to it.

"Nothing really." He replied.

Lily rolled her eyes and turned back around to her cauldron. He looked me up and down and I turned around. Everyone knows that Hufflepuffs and Slytherins don't mix and this is a good example of why.

Class ended and me and Lily headed our separate ways to our next class. I had D.A.T.A and Lily had Herbology. I was walking alone collecting my thoughts when I heard footsteps following me.

"Well look who it is" The voice said.

Malfoy again. Seriously?

"Malfoy c'mon what do you want?" I asked. He smirked.

I can't believe this guy. We were in a lot of classes together in year one and two, but last year we only had a couple and I had hoped he had forgotten all about me, but apparently not. I sighed and kept on my way.

"So we sittin together in class?" That was the last thing I wanted. He's in almost every one of my classes this year.

"Why would I sit with you?" His smile got even more evil looking than it was before.

"Who else are you gonna sit with?"

I mean he had a point. I didn't really have any friends in this class but it made it easier to concentrate on school work. By then we had reached the class. I sat down at an empty table at the back corner in hopes that Malfoy would pick any of the millions of open tables. But he didn't. He sat right next to me. Of course. I tried moving but in came the professor and the class started.

All throughout class Malfoy would nudge me or take my pencil or steal my wand and hold it up high where I couldn't reach it. It felt like the longest class ever. Thank god it was lunch.

I grabbed my things and hurried over to the great hall where Lily was already sitting in the same spot we sit at every day. I told her about what Malfoy's been doing and she just looked at me with a big goofy smile.

"What?" I asked. She never does that face unless...Oh no. Nope.

"Ooooooo." She said in a high pitched voice. I slapped her cheek.

"Don't even think about it," I said while sticking my pointer finger right at her nose.

"Someone has an itty bitty crush on youuu!" I looked at her with a look that just said 'seriously'.

She couldn't stop smiling and teasing me the rest of the day. We got to the Hufflepuff common room and I collapsed on the couch.

"Tough first day?" Cedric asked while slowly walking towards me.

"She's just tired from all the attention and flirting that she's been getting." responded Lily.

Cedric looked down at me with the same goofy smile that Lily had on her face in the great hall at lunch earlier.

"Who is it? Who's your man?" Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak, Lily jumped in...again.

"Mr. Malfoy, He's definitely into her." I rolled my eyes and shoved the yellow pillow that was behind my head into my face.

"Oh no. Anna you know a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin can't be together. Especially not this Hufflepuff and this Slytherin."

"Hey!" I said as I jumped up.

"Who said I like him and we'd be together. I hate Malfoy, I would never." Cedric nodded in agreement and walked away.

I got up and walked up the stairs to our dorm. As soon as I walked in I lit my rose candle and lay down on my bed. Lily followed and sat at the end of my bed.

"You two would be cute together though, and just imagine-" I chucked my pillow at her face.

"Hey, I'm just saying." She chucked the pillow back to me.

"Yeah, and what about you and Harry?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I don't know, we haven't talked a lot. I mean we talked a bit in herbology earlier. But nothing's gonna happen though so I wouldn't get your hopes up." The way she said that I knew that she liked him but was just gonna give up.

"I bet you two will talk more, just wait" 

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