Chapter 3- The Triwitches

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~Annas POV~

The next day Hogwarts was bursting with energy and excitement. Today was the day they announced the Triwitches tournament. I saw Cedrics face light up. We had heard about it before from our parents and I knew it was a dream of Cedrics to participate and now was his chance. After all of our classes Lily and I went to the common room. As soon as we entered the room you could feel the excitement. Everyone was rooting for Cedric to represent and get more appreciation for hufflepuff. We've always been seen as the goody two shoes of all the houses and we've been underrated but Cedric would be our chance at redemption. People started to head off to their dorms for quiet time and sleep but I caught Cedric on his way out.

"So, are you gonna do it?" I asked. He nodded.

"I think so." He smiled and we both parted to our dorms.

I sat in bed with my rose candle next to me and stared at the blank ceiling above me. I could hear Lily and Evie fast asleep. I couldn't stop my mind from racing. I couldn't stop thinking about Cedric and what might happen to him if his name gets chosen from the goblet of fire. I couldn't stop thinking about Lily and how her face dimmed when we were talking about her and Potter. And I couldn't stop thinking about Draco. Eww. Not in that way, at least I don't think so. No. I am just thinking about how he never left me alone and how he walked with me over his own friends and his smile. Nope. Not happening. I can't like him and I don't. He's just the annoying kid from class. There. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off for what felt like five minutes. I was awoken by Lily shaking me again.

"Today is the day! Anna c'mon! We're gonna miss it!"

I sat up as fast as possible, threw on some clothes and we ran towards the great hall where the goblet was standing. We sat around watching person after person throwing in their name. Then, Fred and George Weasley walked in. Even though they were under age they talked about how they were gonna drink the potion and put their names in. Hermione warned them that it wouldn't work. And she was right. As soon as they put their names in they got blasted from the age ring that formed around the goblet. Everyone laughed. There's always a show when Fred and George are around. I watched Cedric put in his name. It worked. Everyone clapped and cheered when he did. Cedric is a well known and loved guy by all so it wasn't too much of a surprise. Then Dumbledore came in. Just like that the glowing ring disappeared and he stepped right up to the goblet. The room went quiet as a piece of paper shot out of the goblet."

"The first student representing Hogwarts is...Cedric Diggorry!" Everyone clapped and cheered.

I was really happy for my brother but I was also worried. After all the names were drawn everyone made their way to the great hall for dinner. Lily and I sat down next to each other at the hufflepuff table. Where we were sitting I could see Malfoy almost right across from me. It's like I can never escape him. We made eye contact for a split second and he winked at me so I quickly looked away. Luckily Lily didn't see otherwise she'd have another thing to tease me about. The great wall was much louder and busier with Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute here. Lily nudged me,

"Hey can you pass the mashed potatoes, I'm starving" I passed over the bowl and she started scooping a heap of potatoes onto her plate and continued eating.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" She asked while shoving spoon full after spoonful of food into her mouth.

I shook my head. I honestly don't know if I am hungry. I just have so much on my mind that I can't stop thinking about it all. I looked down at my plate and started poking at my mashed potatoes. About five seconds later Lily snapped in my face.

"Anna, Anna! Look up." I looked up and I saw Malfoy quickly turn his head away.

"He was staring at you." She said. I couldn't help but crack out a small smile.

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