Chapter 8- A Rose Candle

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~Draco's POV~

Over the past 2 months since we first heard about the tournament and all the participants me and Diggory have become more friends than enemies. I stopped teasing her as much not because I wanted to stop just because I didn't feel the need to. I started making conversation with her in class, especially in potions since we were partners for the project.

When I heard about the Yule Ball this morning I know i'm going alone. There's no one to take. I sat next to Crabbe and Goyle at lunch in the same spot as usual. Anna looked down, a little less herself. I watched her stand up and walk out of the hall.

"I'll be right back" I said and I followed her out.

"Anna?" I called after her and she slowed down and turned around.

"You alright?" I asked. She didn't give a response, she just looked down. I walked closer to her.

"I just need to go to the common room." She said and continued walking. I followed and caught up with her. At this point we were walking side by side.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" I asked. She paused for a second.

"I'm worried, and there's too much going on in there so I thought I'd go to a quiet space to think." I understood exactly how she felt.

"Is it alright if I come?" I asked hoping she'd say yes.

She nodded and we walked in silence. I don't know why but for some reason the silence isn't awkward at all. It was almost like we were having a conversation without speaking to each other. When we reached the common room I opened the door for her and we went in and sat on the couch in front of the fire.

"Wait here, I'll be right back" Anna said and she jumped up off the couch and ran to her dorm.

I looked around at the common room. I haven't been in the Hufflepuff common room ever before. It wasn't too much different than the slytherin one looks wise, but as for the feel, it felt different. The Hufflepuff common room feels much more welcoming and like every time you're in here you feel safe and calm. The Slytherin common room on the other hand is more cold and no one barely uses it, other than to start a fight or throw sweaters and robes around the floor. She quickly came down carrying a candle and a lighter.

"A candle?" I was confused as to why she needed a candle when there was a whole fireplace in front of us.

"I don't know why but this specific candle scent is comforting to me." Then she lit the candle.

It smelt just like her. Now I know why she always smells like fresh roses. We talked and talked. She explained to me how she's worried for Cedric and how on the one hand she's happy for him because he's wanted to participate in something like this but on the other hand she's scared because of how dangerous it sounds and how devastated she'd be if she lost him. I told her a bit about what my family is like and how being a Malfoy is harder than people think. I trusted her. We just knew each other. After about 20 minutes of talking and ranting to each other, we decided to go back to the great hall. I sat down in my seat and she sat down in hers. I think I might like her. 

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