Chapter 26- The Letter Where It All Starts

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(This is a longer but one of my fav chapters!)

~Anna's POV~

The yule ball was amazing. I saw that Lily danced and talked to Harry the rest of the night after they ran out. Lily says that they were 'dancing' but I don't know. Lily and Harry are officially a couple. Apparently he asked her outside after the ball. As for me and Draco, we both like eachother but nothing else is happening. He doesn't like to show emotions in public. I wish he would ask me out already and we end up together but deep down I know that I have to let him do what he needs to do. I just keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason. I woke up late, thank god they cancelled first class. I looked over to see Lily also slowly waking up. She smiled. She's not a morning person so I know it was because of Harry.

"Good morning" I said while yawning and trying to get my eye to adjust to the fresh morning light.

"You're right!" She said. How could she have so much enthusiasm.

"It is a good morning!" She got up and started to get ready. I stayed sitting on my bed watching her run around.

"How are you so awake and alive?" I asked.

"I am not awake or alive." She said whilst still scrambling around. I giggled and then decided I ought to get ready as well.

For the rest of what would have been our first class I decided to walk around the castle and do some things like return old books to the library. I just tried to stay out of Lilys way. I knew she would spend a lot of time with Harry. I got a book from the library about magical creatures written by someone called Newt Scammander. I love learning about the different creatures in the magic world. I guess it's the reason why I got placed in Hufflepuff. I took it to the grass square and sat down on one of the benches in the middle. I got about 3 pages in when I felt someone hug me from the back. I slammed my book closed and quickly got out my wand. I was scared, you hear about it all the time, people getting kidnapped from the back. I held it to what felt like his head.

"Woah! Alright, alright, you don't like hugs from the back, noted." I recognized the voice.

"No no it's just-" Draco smiled and sat down next to me.

"I understand, but seriously you should have recognized who it was." He said jokingly.

"What ya got there?" He asked looking down at my book.

"Oh just magical creatures." I could tell he wasn't interested in it whatsoever but I appreciated his effort. When I looked back down at my book I realized that he had a piece of parchment in his hand.

"What ya got there?" I asked, trying to mimic what he had just asked me. He looked down at it and smirked.

"It's ummm. Well I uhh. I spent the rest of the night yesterday writing it. And I thought I might give it to you." He passed it into my hands.

I was confused. I didn't think he knew how to write this much. I guess I have been underestimating him. He got up and walked away looking proud and embarrassed at the same time. He kept looking back at me until he turned the corner. I slowly unfolded it. It was a long letter that read

'Dear Anna, someone who I never thought I would fall in love with but I have. It started out when I saw you in first year. I think I liked you but I forced it to go away because I thought a Slytherin could never love. Then second year I was scared. I was scared and jealous of everything happening. I had no time to think about girls. Then last year I barely saw you. I assumed you had left. You were still on my mind but I didn't really care too much if I'm being honest. Then this year. There was a spark of joy when I saw your face but you had no clue. We found out we had classes together. I got excited but realized that I'm a slytherin and Slytherins can't love. So I started teasing you. You just seemed like an easy target. Because I was around you I remembered why I had fallen for you in year one. You're dedicated, kind, loyal, everything I am not. I knew a hufflepuff and a slytherin could never end up together so I stopped teasing you. I didn't feel the need. Then you started talking to me, I was confused to say the least. I had been so mean and annoying to you, why would you help me with my work? Why would you explain things over and over until I understood? That's when I knew for sure you were an amazing person. We talked and talked. You let me into your life and I let you into mine. We told each other about our worries. I loved that night. You made me feel human. That people do have emotions and that's ok. You changed me for the better. Then I asked you to the Yule Ball while my heart was skipping beats. You said yes and relief flushed over me. Then I saw you tonight, standing at the top of the stairs. I couldn't believe that you looked so beautiful, being a stunning person on the inside and out why would you want to go with a guy like me? Then we talked. You made me laugh and no else could. Your blue eyes are so clear that you can see the reflection of candles in them. Then the song came on. I grabbed you by the hand and pulled you in closer. We danced while locking eyes.Thats when I knew you were the one, the one I want to spend my life with. But it all starts here. I really really like you Anna. Would you be my girlfriend?'

My heart stopped. I couldn't stop a few tears from streaming down my cheeks. I nodded even though I knew there was no one around. I grabbed my book into my arms and held tightly onto the letter. I needed to find Draco. Then I knew where to look. I sprinted to the quidditch field. There he was standing in the center with his broom stick in one hand and the golden snitch blanketed in his fingers in the other. I ran behind him and at the sound of my footsteps he turned around and smiled. I nodded frantically while trying to catch my breath.

"Of course!" I said. He put down the snitch and broom and wrapped his arms around me.

I could smell the last of the cologne he wore last night. I could feel his heart beating just as fast as mine. I didn't want to be anywhere else. 

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