How about if there is a society where giants and tinies co exist, both sides are not happy about this. A tiny woman takes a job as a Para Legal Assistant to a lawyer who is a giant. He is the best there is. But is rumored to be hard to work for. A lot of tiny people have not lasted at the job, because of his being hard to work for. There could be a big library with law books and a tiny library with law books for the Para Legal to look up stuff, her desk could be on his desk, or could be on a counter. The giant and tiny could gradually form a friendship or romance. She could help him win a really big case. But at first they don't get a long. If anybody would like to write this, please feel free
Greek God giant tiny story idea
AcciónHow about if there is a Greek male God that doesn't think very much of humans, he is puffed up with his own self importance. Zeus sends him down to earth, makes him into a human in disguise, so that he can understand mortals. He becomes friends with...