part 8

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The Next Morning
Everyone was waking up and lexa told them to be quite because she wanted hope and clarke to get more sleep.
1 hr later clarke woke up she only saw hope sleeping she new her daughter will still be sleeping because she just got shoot and she needed to rest.
Clarke gave hope a kiss on the  forehead and she got up.
When clarke got up she felt that she needed to throw up.
Clarke ran to the bathroom and throw up once clarke was finish throwing up she flashed the toilet and washed her mouth with water.
Clarke went outside to look for lexa she saw her and went up to her and gave her a kiss on the lips
L:" hey "
C:" why did you not wake me up"
L:" you looked soo peaceful i didn't feel like wake you up"
Clarke looked around and saw that they were going somewhere
C:" were are you guys going"
L:" well we finished fixing the barn its warm in their already and now we are going into town to look for beds"
C:" please be careful"
L:" i'm always careful"
Lexa gave clarke a kiss on the lips and was about to leave when clarke hold her back
C:"No Lexa i need you to come back to me"
Lexa saw fear in clarkes eyes and was not sure why
L:" Hey you okay"
C:" i'm fine i just need you to come back i cant lose you... I need you more then you think"
L:" Clarke your worrying me are you sure your ok is their something your not telling me"
C:" i said i'm fine ok i just cant lose you"
L:" i'll be fine ok i'll be back"
Clarke just nodded her head and saw lexa leave with Anya, Luna, Echo and  Murphy.
Lincon, stayed to make sure bellamy did not escape and lexa asked Octavia and Raven to make sure Clarke and hope were safe while lexa was not their.
Clarke found Caroline in her room cleaning she knocked and Caroline told her to enter.
Clarke:" hey can i ask you something and promise to not tell anyone"
Caroline:" ya sure is everything ok"
Clarke:" No um i think i'm pregnant"
Caroline had a suprisesed face on she took a set and then looked at Clarke
Caroline:" Are you sure"
Clarke:" No thats why i'm here i was wondering if you..."
Caroline cut her off
Car:" had a pregnancy test'
Clarke nodded her head yes Caroline went to her bathroom and got out a pregnancy test she came back and gave it to clarke
Car:" its still new. I us to have a Friend that was going to take it but she died"
Clarke:" i'm scared"
Car:" look i'll be here for you okay"
Clarke went in her bathroom and took the pregnancy text she came back out and they both waited in her room for it to be ready.
The time was up clarke looked at Carolina scared
Car:" its ok i'm here"
Clarke walked to it slowly she took it and turned it around when clarke looked at it clarke fell to the floor and started to cry Caroline new what this ment and went to clarke and hugged her Caroline had Clarke in her arms crying.
Octavia was passing Carolina's room and heard clarke crying she came in the room and saw Clarke crying in Carolina's arms she was about to say what was wrong when she saw the pregnancy test on the floor she looks at it and was suprisesed then she went over to them and told Caroline that she got it from here by just tuching her arm.
Octavia was now hugging clarke she waited for clarke to calm down so she can talk
O:" Clarke"
C:"Lexa is going to hate me"
Octavia pulled Clarkes face up so she can see her
O:" Clarke dont think like that she will love you no matter what ok"
C:" you dont understand"
O:" then explain it to me"
C:" Lexa did not get me pregnant"
Octavia had a shocked face on she was sure lexa was the father of the baby
C:" since lexa got back we have not had sex so that means that she's not the father she did not get me pregnant"
O:" did you cheat on lexa?"
C:" No i didn't i love her i wouldn't do that"
O:" so then who's the father"
C:" Octavia just think a little why is bellamy locked up"
O:" well because he touched you"
Clarke looked at octavia with a look then octavia got it she stood up and sat on the bed
C:" so you see thats why lexa's going to hate me because she's not the father bellamy is and for that she going to hate me and i cant let her hate me i still love her that's why i'm not keeping it"
O:" CLARKE are you stupid you cant do that please just talk to lexa i sure she will still understand"
C:" i can't she going to hate me"
O:" please Clarke just talk to lexa its not the babys falt please just talk to her"
C:" i cant Octavia what if she hates me..."
O:" look lets make a deal ok if lexa hates you for this and wont help you with the baby or anything.
Dont kill the baby. I will help you take care of it i will help you with everything and once the baby is born i will treat the baby like if it was mine so that you wont have to do it all on your alown ok"
C:" thanks octavia"
O:" ya no problem now go see what hope wants she's asking for you"

Lexa took the truck to make sure all the beds will fit.
Eveyone got out of the truck and went to the furniture store eveyone was quite so the zombies wont hear them
Everyone went in the store and killed the zombies with they're nifes.
Everyone was only loading up the beds not the wood that comes with it.
Everyone was loading up the beds they needed and once they were done everyone jumped in the back and lexa and luna closed the back door.
Lexa was going to the drivers side to drive but once lexa turnd around
She fell on the foor and 2 zombies were on top of her she was trying to kill them but if she let one hand go a zombie was for sure going to bit her
lexa yelled her name luna came runing she got out her nife and killed the zombies the blood of the zombies were all over lexa but she did not Care she just just up and started to drive
Lexa was about to get die because of 2 zombies she did not care if she died she new if she did Octavia and raven will be their for her.
What lexa did not know was that clarke was pregnant and did not know how much clarke needed her right know and if she died lexa will have never known clarke was pregnant.
Lexa and everyone got out of the truck and they started to put the beds in the barn.
Everyone made rooms in the barn for everyone to have their privacy
Lexa and clarke and hope had one room.
Anya and raven and another room.
And the rest had their own room. everyone had finished putting the beds in each room.
L:" ok we are done for the day go have fun"
Everyone was happy and left the barn some of them were playing foot ball and some were just setting.
Clarke went outside because she hear that everyone was finished she saw lexa had blood on her shirt and ran to her worried
C:" hey are you okay"
Clarke said almost crying
L:" hey its ok its not mine i'm fine"
Clarke slapped lexa on her arm
C:" dont do that you scared me"
L:" ouch i'm sorry"
Clarke started to cry lexa has never seen clarke cry like this before
L:" hey clarke i'm soo sorry if i scared you i did not mean to please dont cry"
C:" its just you scared me i thou you were going to die and i need you more then ever"
L:" Clarke what are you not telling me you already said that 2 times today what dose that mean what are you not telling me"
Lexa said mad and confused at the same time
C:" change your shirt first then meet me by that tree"
Lexa nodded her head and went to go change her shirt she came back and walked over to clarke by a tree that was far away from everyone.
Lexa sat down next to her.
Clarke took a deep dreath before telling lexa
C:" Lexa"
C:" i'm........ Pregnant"

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