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"You are paired with mr malfoy"***

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"You are paired with mr malfoy"

After supper had ended I showed Taylor the way to the common room. I got to the entrance I said the password. "Mudblood", I know a lot of people hate that word but I don't care, probably because I'm a slytherin though.

Once we got inside I showed Taylor where her dorm was, I soon realised that she'd be sleeping in my dorm. I was a bit annoyed because I was so happy to have my own dorm but I would've preferred her to be my roommate over some other weirdo.

Once we were inside we talked some more, she told me that when she walked in the great hall she saw a cute guy looking at her. I was excited because I loved boy talk even though I didn't like a boy.

"Ooooooh, what cute slytherin boy caught your eye" I asked in a sing song tone.

She stopped for a minute and I knew what was coming "um well he wasn't a slytherin, he was on the table next to us"

The table next to slytherin was the gryffindor table. I think she assumed that because every other slytherin hated gryffindor that I would but because my mother was in gryffindor I didn't care.

"Oh don't worry about it, I don't mind gryffindor. My mother was in gryffindor when she went here" I saw a sign of relief flush over her face.

"So what did this boy look like?" I asked hoping she would give in to tell me.

She sighed and said "he had red hair and grey eyes with a tinge of blue" I immediately knew who she was talking about and I think she knew who he was because she looked at me, and looked almost scared.

"Ooooohhhhhh are you talking about weasley" I didn't like weasley much but I wasn't one to tell her who she could think was cute.

"Yeah I am, are you mad because I know he's apart of the golden trio and slytherin-" I cute her off. "Don't worry about it Taylor, to be honest I don't care. I think I'm one of the only slytherins that simply don't give a shit about anything" she smiled and we slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up 20 minutes before I could go to the great hall for breakfast. I decided to wake up Taylor in hopes she would appreciate me waking her up so she could get ready. I grabbed the clothes I was going to wear today and headed off for the shower. I had a quick shower and got changed. I wore my crew neck and collared shit with my skirt rolled up a bit so it didn't go past my knees. I'm not gonna lie but with my adjustments I kind of liked the uniform. I spent a good ten minutes trying to do my hair and makeup. I never put on lots of makeup, pretty much just mascara and a bit of concealer. I threw on my robe and headed off with Taylor.

We got to the breakfast hall and joined pansy, blaise, crabbe, goyle and malfoy. Pansy looked at me. "Hey, looks like you've got all the attention again, what's new" she smirked.

I looked around and realised she was right. I had quite a few stares. Im not gonna lie but I'm probably one of the most popular slytherins, besides malfoy of course. I guess that was because, as I said before, I didn't give a shit about anything and people admired that. Taylor sat to the right of me and blaise to the left. Blaise and Taylor made conversation over me and I got pissed and decided to hop up so blaise could sit next to Taylor. Pansy and malfoy talked about what classes they had and how much they hated the teachers while I shoved my mouth with food. Every now and then I would say something about the teachers when it came up to pansy and malfoy but I was too busy eating. I saw malfoy look at me and laugh, but not a good laugh like a mocking laugh.

I looked at him "what" I asked him with attitude

"You got a little something" he pointed on his face to the bottom of his cheek.

I wiped it then threw a bit of my food at him. Then I heard Snape walk behind me.

"Well done mis miller, you just earned some detention with me this afternoon" he said very slowly. Malfoy started laughing but he was such and idiot because Snape started talking again.

"So mr malfoy, was that you asking to join miss miller, see you two later" he said with a a smirk and malfoy whined.

"You dumbass" I told him and smirked.

First up I had potions and I dreaded going to class. I had Snape and I dreaded having to see him again. I walked into class and Snape wasn't there yet thankfully I sat down next to some random girl I didn't know and just went into deep thought. The girl looked at me and I gave her a death stare.

"Oh no I don't mean any harm but you've got a little food here" and she pointed to her cheek.

"Oh thanks" and I wiped my face, luckily there was only a little tiny bit of food. Snape walked in and the class fell silent. Snape began to talk and go on and on but I wasn't listening then I heard him yell my name. I looked up and Snape repeated what he said.

"Miss Miller I'll be sorting everyone into pairs with someone who can help everyone to do better in their class." I groaned because I would be sorted with someone worse than me to help them.

" miss miller, you are paired with mr malfoy" I was a bit confused because malfoy was top of the class in potions but then I realised that Snape thought I was really bad at potions because I never tried. But the truth was I was actually really good at potions.

I walked over to where malfoy was sitting and told crabbe to move out of my seat harshly. He got up quickly and left, I knew that he was a bit scared of me and it was funny. I sighed as I sat down next to malfoy.

"Hey miller" he sneered

"Lucky for you I'm not bad at potions I just dont try so you don't have to teach me anything"

"Thank god I hate helping people" he said "I know you do" I replied.

We made it through potions with only a few arguments and successfully finished the potion correctly and ahead of time. Even though I couldn't be bothered trying I knew it was the right thing to do to make my mother happy.

"Nice miller." Draco said in a kind of nice way but then he screwed it up for himself by continuing to talk "maybe with my help you can be less of a complete idiot like you normally are" he smirked. I don't understand why so many people admire him when he has some crappy comebacks.

"Yeah instead of being an idiot I'm stuck with a complete asshole, I think I'd prefer being an idiot" I said half yelling. Luckily Snape was to deaf to hear us and we just sat around for our next instructions.

Class was finally over and I could go to my favourite subject, herbology. I don't know why I liked herbology so much but I did. I had this class with Taylor so I hung out with her in that class. I guess I liked this class because it was way more chill than potions.

A few more long hours later the day was over, thank goodness. But my happiness went right out the door when I remembered I still had detention. I met malfoy and Snape in a classroom in the dungeons, at least it was somewhat close to my dorm. We went inside and sat down. Snap made us take out our quill and some parchment and told us to start doing lines. Suddenly Snape stood up and told us he would be gone until 5 minutes before our detention would end. I cannot tell you how I happy i was that he wouldn't be breathing down our necks.

Thankyou for reading again. The next chapter will be about detention and some other good stuff.

15th of September 2020

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