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"How can you defend a death eater"***

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"How can you defend a death eater"

It was finally Thursday afternoon, meaning my date was tomorrow night. I was so absolutely excited that I couldn't contain myself. The day was dragging on forever, I couldn't even imagine how tomorrow is going to feel.

Lucky for me, not so lucky for draco, we had all classes together, as you already knew. But realisation hit draco today when I wouldn't stop going on about how excited I was to him. He just laughed a lot, i made sure he knew how thrilled I was for this date. Even though we did date for a couple of weeks last year we never went on an official date, due to circumstances. That just made me even more excited knowing it was our first date.

We were heading to dinner finally, meaning the long day was ending. I ate my usual way, you know, stuffing my face. I didn't speak for most of dinner because I occupied myself with eating. That was until granger started to make conversation with me.

"Hey, Olivia. Are you doing good in herbology?" She asked me, I was little confused but answered anyway.

"Um, yeah I'm doing good in there. What makes you ask."

"Well, I think for once in my life I'm finally behind in a class. I know how much you love that class so I was wondering if you could me help me out?" She had a slight grin on her face and I could see hope in her eyes. As much as I despise granger, I knew I had to make an effort to put our differences behind us.

"Um, sure I guess. When we get back to the apartment do you want to study with me?" She nodded eagerly with a huge grin in her face. I laughed at her the face she was making and started making small talk with her. It wasn't exactly what I wanted to do at that moment but I knew it was for the best. I was going to be spending the rest of this year and maybe next year sharing an apartment with her and we were only a few weeks into the new school year.

Once dinner was finished up we all walked back the apartment. Ron, Harry and hermione were probably talking about the next way to save the wizarding world, gin was doing her thing and arguing with blaise about women's rights while Taylor was laughing at them and trying to intervene, so that just left me and draco.

"What going on with you and hermione?" He had a smirk on his face, he walking so close to me that our hands brushed against each others a couple times. That was until he took my hand, we began walking hand in hand.

"To be honest, I don't really know why she's being so nice." It was true, she was being super polite. She used to be a complete bitch to me but now she's being nice. I continue speaking, "She must really need help." I chuckle a little.

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