Re-Do of Chapter 1 - Jason

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Wondering around the woods, 3 small children. One with messy and ruffled chocolate brown hair, it wore sunglasses for some odd reason. The other had short redish brown hair, and his bangs were long, which covered one of his red eyes. The last one wore a blue space-suit, his face was unknown for everyone outside in the world.

"Help!" Yelled the one with the messy and ruffled hair. He trips over a stone, and picked himself up. He adjected his glasses, and dusted off his clothes. The one with the redish brown hair cursed under his breath. The messy, ruffled hair boy smacked him at the back of his head for cursing.

"Sorry Sky." The redish brown hair mumbled softly. They contiune walking through the forests, getting hungry, thirsty and scared. They were only at the age of 5, the guy 'Sky' with messy and ruffled chocolate brown hair was going to be turning 6 in a few days. He didn't enjoy the week at all.

"Jason, thanks." Sky sighed. The space suit guy looked at him and slightly smiled under his yellow stained helmet, knowing why he was thankful of him to do so. Jason, the space suit one, lead the 2 out of to the woods. Saving their lives. Sky and the other boy thought it was leadership made him saved the 2 boy's lives. But actually it was ADHD. Jason followed a small shadow in the woods, which cause them to him follow it.

"We should stop and take a break." Jason announced.

"Fine with me." Sky agreed. The other boy looked at the 2 and nodded. They sat near a big oak tree. "What do you think the chances of us, surviving on ourselves?" Sky wondered out loud. Jason thought about it, he turned to the smaller boy.

"Ty, do you have any guesses?" Jason asked. Ty, the redish brown hair guy, looked at him confused, knowing that he was the most rude one out of them. Already cursing and cussing at the age of 5. He was a small boy too, awfully skinny though. Ty shurgged his shoulders, having no guesses at mind at all. Ty tugged his over-sized t-shirt's sleeve onto his shoulders.

"I don't know." Ty sighed. He scratched his back of his back, ignoring his layed, thick hair. Sky crawled to the ground and curl up in a ball.

"It's awfully cold." Sky pointed out. He crossed his arms and lightly rub them, trying to produce body heat. It was awfully weird that the 3 were not freaking out. They were 5 and they were lost.

"At least we're alive." Jason muttered under his breath. Sky must of heard wrong and he slapped back of Jason's head. "HEY! I didn't swear!"

"Oh, sorry." Sky metally wanted to kick himself for being a douche.

"We need to find some fire." Ty surggested, he sat down besides Sky, leaving Jason still standing.

"What about you guys sleep for a while. I'll take first watch." Jason suggested. Ty wanted to agrue back, but he shook his head and curled up in a ball and fasten asleep. Jason sat infront of the tree, admiring how beautiful and rich is it. Jason started tracing the textures on it with his index finger. "I hope we can find our parents. Hopefully they're alive." Jason sighed and looked around their chosen place to stay for the night. It was in a middle of a forest, many oak trees. Jason spotted a shadow at the corner of his eye. He turned quickly to the direction where he saw it. He got up quickly onto his feet, ignoring the pain that tortured him, making him wanting to give up. But Jason ignore it, and stared down at the shadow. The shadow ran off deeper into the forests, Jason completely forgotten about Ty and Sky, he chased after the shadow. The shadow seemed to look behind and noticed that Jason was following it. The shadow moved its hand to gesture something to come up from the ground, after a few quick seconds, Jason tripped over roots of the ground. Jason got up and quickly, and scanned the area he was is. It was darker and deeper than where he used to be in. Jason cursed under his breath, he started doing that after Ty started.

"Follow me." A voice whispered behind his ear. Sending chills down his spine, the voice was cold and soft. It sounded pitched, almost like another child. He turned around quickly, seeing the shadow running. Jason ran after it. He found himself back at the tree with Sky and Ty. Jason smiled brightly at the thought that his friends are alright. Jason sat down besides them, and scan the place, ignoring the fact that he was ADHD and wanted to chase after things. A bright light appeared, and 3 creatures appeared. Jason was breathless, couldn't speak, like the voice out of him have disappeared. Jason shook Ty and Sky awake. All in one breath he has left, he manage to said:

"Sky, Ty. Wake up, we have company."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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