Chapter 53

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Vincenzo POV:

After spending the entire week dealing with business, Im finally going home. My brothers, cousins, uncle, and father are coming over for a poker night and drinks

We all pull into the drive way and we settle down in the living room. It's around 3 in the afternoon

"Where are they" Zio asks looking for my children

"It's a Saturday they won't be up for another hour or two"

"Jesus how do you them wake up during the week" Marco asks

"Lots of yelling, threats, and cold water" they laugh

We spent time talking about random stuff until we heard a yell


I turn to see Noelle zooming down the stairs she doesn't make it too far because a ball hits her in the back of the head and she slides down the last 4 or 5 steps

"Wyatt you dickhead" I'm taken aback when I hear my 10 year old curse

I clear my throat and their eyes widen

"You're home" the both ask at the same time

"Yeah I am. Is this how you act when I'm not home"

Noelle shook her head and Wyatt tried to back out of my view

"Don't even think about it Wyatt get your ass down here right now" I yelled and drags his feet towards me

"Both of you on the first step" they obey

"Where'd you learn that word Noelle"

"Daddy says it to you all the time" she says innocently

"What other bad words do you say"

"None I didn't know it was a bad word since daddy says it so much" she lies

"Don't líe Noelle where'd you learn that word"

"Wyatt always calls his friends that" she whispered and Wy groaned

"Now sit in the corner til I say so" I tell her and she whined then drags a chair to the corner

"You let her curse" I asked Wyatt in a harsher tone than I used with Noelle

"No I don't she does that on her own. I don't see how this is my fault if you guys didn't leave me with her all the time this wouldn't be a problem"

"One watch your tone before I watch it for you" I growled

"Two she's your younger sister it's your job to watch her. You don't think I made Vince watch his 6 siblings. Don't complain because you get way more free time than your father ever did" Dad chimed in

"Next no cursing especially at your sister. Next time anyone hears him curse punish him"  I told my family and they nodded m

"All of you curse like sailors" he complained

"But you're a child we're adults. Next don't hit your sister, that stunt you pulled could've seriously hurt her. Understood"

"Yeah. Um am I grounded" he asked

"Of course you are, one month" I said amused

"This sucks" he mumbled and went to the kitchen

I turned to see Noelle asleep in the corner

"How can she still sleep" Ace asked amazed

I just shrugged

"Wyatt wake up your sister" he smirked and dumped the cup of water he had on her

"AHHHHHH" she jumped up then scowled at him and punched him in his family jewels

"Fucking hell" he gritted through his teeth

"Get off the floor you faker" she told him

"Noelle how many times have we told you not to hit him there" I asked

"A lot"

"Exactly this is the last time I'm going to remind you" she nodded then went upstairs to change I assume

"You good there Wyatt" Xavier asked amused


"It's not like he'll be using it anytime soon" Dante joked

"I don't know about that" dad said

"What do you mean" I asked

"Nothing he's just being old" Wyatt cut him off

I glared at Wyatt and he let him speak

"Didn't I tell you the other day he cut class and had a girl over. Then he tried to steal your car"

"He what" I growled and look at a very nervous Wyatt

"We didn't even miss that much school" he defended

"Really when did you leave" Ace asked

"3rd period" he mumbled

"You have 8 periods in the school day"

"Look some girls where being mean to Kota so I took her to get ice cream then we came back here to watch tv and play video games"

"Oooohhh Dakota... your crush" I smirked

"Shut up" he groaned

"He didn't deny it" Alessio taunted

"Look his ears are so red" Matteo teased

"You guys are so annoying she's just a friend"

"A friend he made out with" Zio said

"You told him" he asked my dad

"Nope" dad laughed

"How was it" I asked

He smiled really hard

"Aw look at him" Luca laughed

"On a serious note. I don't want you two alone in the house together. Door stays open when someone is home and always use a condom"

"Daaaddd" he threw a pillow at me

"So how old is she"


"Like just turned 14 or is turning 15"

"Just turned"

"Aw pedo" Xavier joked

"Fu- I mean hop off"

"Good save" Alessio laughed

"So let's say I have a date with her where should I take her"

"You asked her out" I asked and he nodded

"You're asking the wrong people all they do is fuck" Zio said


"Don't worry you'll get there" Ace said

"I doubt it"

Our conversation was cut short by Noelle

"Hey super Wy did you tell them what happened yesterday"

"No I dealt with it"

"But I don't want you to get kicked out of school" she said sad

"I won't don't worry Noles"

"What did you do"


Do you like their sibling relationship?


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🥳

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