Chapter 71

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Noelle's POV

Today is orientation and I'm jumping out of my skin. We already listened to the principals Speech about academic excellence. We took a tour of the science department since I'll be here until I graduate high school. Now I'm waiting for my meeting with the principal.

"This is a big school you sure you can navigate this place on your own" Wyatt asked

"I took the tour and I never have to leave this building so I'll never get lost"

"Lombardi family"

"That's us"

"Come on in"

We sat in front of his desk

"So I first would like to welcome Angelwood Academy for the Sciences. You're test scores were impressive in Math and Science. You had the highest math score this year but your English scores were excellent except that you didn't finish. Your school records show you are dyslexic which explains why you ran out of time on the English portion. To accommodate you will be given extra time on written assessments. Your test will also be formatted in a way to further assist you. Your teacher will show you various ways of dealing with your dyslexia. Our goal is to have you at the same level as your classmates by 7th grade"

"Thank you none of the teachers at my current school assist me in anyway so it's refreshing to get help"

"You're an extremely bright child with one weak subject if we fail to assist you we in turn hinder your ability to succeed. We believe our students will continue on to greatness that includes you too. Now another thing is that you will have an English peer tutor that you will meet with once a week to work on your English. You in turn will tutor that student one day a week in math. This will be during lunch on Tuesday and Thursday in the library or our various study rooms"

"Is the student in my grade as well"

"No he's in 8th grade but you're in algebra which is a 7th grade course and he didn't pass last year. He actually has dyscalculia which makes it very hard for him to grasp concepts. Normal peer tutors are in the same grade but we felt like you two we a fitting pair"

"Won't it be harder for them to tutor each other"

"We don't know but we feel they'll be more patient with each other"

"That's fine I'll do my best"

"Thats good to hear. Now lets move on to extracurriculars. It's mandatory for every student to join a sport or club on campus. You don't have to remain within your department meaning a students from our performing arts building can join robotics club. Here's the list you can choose from" he handed me a long list

"Are there any activities before school because I'm on a competition dance team and we practice from 3:30 to 9:30 every day" I asked

"All the activities in gray are before school and the activities in blue are after. Sports teams don't practice nor play games on the weekends so if you're interested in a sport they all practice in the morning"

"I guess I'll tryout for track" I shrugged

"Anything else"

"No just that"

"Okay well you'll report to the track field at 6:00 am every day"

"Now these are your classes in no particular order:
English 6
Robotics 1
Computer science 1
Binary & computer language

"I like these classes a lot"

"Good your home room is A-027. Report there on the first day of school to pick up your schedule and take attendance. Now dads any questions"

"Is acceptance into the high school guaranteed" dad asked

"Yes as long as she keeps her gpa above an 80 she will be automatically transferred into the high school. As you heard in my speech all high schoolers graduate with an associates degree. We already have her on that path"

"Where do we buy the uniform" daddy asked

"All school gear can be bought at the campus store"

"Perfect we have her school supplies list so I think that's all" dad stood up

"Great any questions just call or email us and we'll have them answered" they shook hands and we left his office

"I'm gonna love it here" I beamed

"Yeah it's a great school I'm really proud of you"


We went to the school store to buy my uniform which is nicer than my current school's ugly uniform

"Wow this is a total upgrade" Wyatt said

We left and dad let us eat Wendy's after lots of begging. Then he dropped on daddy and Wyatt while we made our way to my dance practice.


Sorry for the short chapter. The next few chapters will be about Wyatt


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🏫

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