Chapter 56

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Wyatt's POV:

The teacher made me and Jesse to present our research papers first. Let's just say she wasn't too happy.


"Gladly" I respond and Jesse laughs

When we walk out my smile instantly fades. Both my dads are in the hallway

"What did you two do" Daddy asks

"Both of you principals office" she turns and see them

"Mr. Lombardi perfect timing" she smirks

In the office

Oliver just got here and now we're listening to our teacher bitch.

I yawn cause I honestly didn't sleep well

"I'm sorry arm I boring you"

"Honestly yeah" I earn a glare from my dads

"This is what I'm talking about he doesn't respect me. Him and Jesse are always disruptive and disrespectful. These two aren't even in the same class we changed their schedule but they continued to follow their original schedule. They have no regards for the rules and I can't keep teaching them"

"Switch their classes then and this time they'll follow it" Oliver spoke

"What hell no" they're the only ones who get me through school

"I agree with Oliver" Dad said

"In fact I feel it's best if none of them have class together" the bitch added

"What" I asked in disbelief

"All their teachers complain about them being in the same class and quite honestly I feel like they hold Wyatt back. Despite his behavior he's valedictorian and when Jesse is absent he's an excellent student. He should be a grade above them. The rest of them should be separated because all they do is cause trouble"

"If I'm valedictorian than Fuck off im not being held back" I growled

"I dare you to speak again" daddy threatened

"That works Im sure Declan and Maddox will agree" dad spoke

"Along with the schedule change we're putting them on probation. We do that to any student with issues behaving. That means no sports or participation in school activities for about 2 months"

"No you can't do that. You can't let him do that" I said to my parents

"Those are the consequences Wyatt"

"I need air" I got up and ran out the office

I ignored them calling my name. I ran out the building and kept going til my lungs burned. They can't take my friends and soccer. Soccer is the only time I feel close to her. She doesn't talk to me anymore, due to all the droughts.
I don't see her face in the stars anymore, but when I play I can still hear her cheering me on. I can't lose her again. If I can't play soccer she dies twice

I brought back into reality when I yanked into a car

"What is wrong with you" Daddy yelled

"I needed air"

"You don't just run off Wyatt"

"Okay" I stared blankly out the window

"Will I still be playing on the other team" I asked

"No we already told your coach you're out until you fix your attitude"

"Okay" I tried to keep my composure

Daddy yelled for the duration of the drive and in the house for hours. He took all my electronics and I'm forbidden from hanging out with anyone until I'm ungrounded.

"Why that topic" dad asked

"I found it intriguing. There's so much negativity towards masturbation despite the overwhelming amount of evidence showing its health benefits. I took a stupid topic and put together a well written 11 page paper and she didn't even let me present it. She just kicked me out, then you let her take everything from me"

"She's just worried about your academic performance"

"She doesn't give a shit about me"

"Watch your mouth"

"Watch it for me" daddy slapped me hard

"I see you took a page out of Henry's book" hurt flashed across his face

"I'm sorry" was all he said before he left

"What the fuck is wrong with you" dad asked after the front door slammed

"I didn't mean to hurt him" I did feel bad

"But you did. The only reason I won't beat your ass is because i might kill you. Go to your fucking room and stay there" I went upstairs


Poor Oscar

Are they being excessive with the punishment?


Thanks for reading

Mwah ⚽️

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