Chapter 14

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Oscar's POV:

I was sitting with Marcy's family when I heard whimpers from the stairs. I went to check on Wy and I saw him shaking and covering his ears

"Shit" I went to pick him up and he pushed me off

"NO ME TOQUES" he screamed and backed up against the wall

"Wyatt calm down it's me buddy"

"NO DEJAME EN PAZ" he continued screaming in Spanish

Vince came over

"Wyatt it's okay we won't hurt you" Marcy cooed


"What do we do" he asked panicking

"Wyatt I need you to listen to my voice. It's me abuela not the bad people. I'm here to protect you, we all are you don't have to be scared. Listen to my voice and open your eyes" Charlotte said gently getting down to his level but keeping a distance

He slowly opened his eyes and pounced on her. He held on to her for dear life and hid his face in her neck

"Thank You" he said softly

"No problem baby I'll always be here with you"

"You remind me of her" he whispered

He stayed with her for the rest of the evening

"Baby it's time for us to go. Will you be okay going to one of your dads"

"No they might be mad at me for acting up around company"

"Wy we aren't mad we were just worried about you. You weren't acting up, stuff like this just happens sometimes" I told him

"Really so you're not going to give me back" we he asked that I broke my heart

"Never Wyatt you're our son and a Lombardi you're stuck with us forever" Vince said and he smiled

He threw himself in my arms after they left

"Buddy do you think you can tell us what happened" I asked

"I lost mami during a storm" he whispered and started crying

"Hey baby it's okay she's in a better place now" Vince said


"Yeah she's in heaven right now watching over you" I added

"You think so"

"I know so"

"She used to love the rain she said it was peaceful and we'd jump in puddles and count how many seconds were between lightning and thunder. It was our little game. When i couldn't sleep we'd count stars because I wanted to be an astronaut" he sniffled

"Maybe the storm is her. Storms were your special place and today you were so bored. She was probably up there trying to play with you. Whenever you miss your mom know she's up there in the sky. You can always talk to her when it rains or the sun comes down"

"She loved clouds cause she hated sunny days" he laughed

"Whenever a cloud passes by know it's her"

"Thank You daddy. I don't think I'm scared of storms anymore"

"Wanna sleep in bed with me and daddy" Vince asked and he nodded

"Let's go then"



Thanks for reading

Mwah ⛈

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