Chapter 26

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Wyatt POV:

I went inside and sat down in the back. I had my mother's rosary in my hand while I prayed

"Child what are you doing here at this hour" I looked up and saw the priest

"I've had a rough day and I needed God so I had my parents bring me here" I answered

"Where are your parents"

"I have two dads who don't like church. They're waiting outside father"

"It's not my place to judge them, for I am not God. Let them know they are more than welcome"

"You remind me of my mom she would say the same thing" I said with tears streaming down my face

"Would you like to talk or make a confession"

"Both" he nodded and we walked to the booth

""Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been 1 year since my last confession. Today I faced the man who raped and murdered my mother. He threatened to kill my family and friends. I'm best friends with his niece and he touched her and threatened to do worse if I told. My whole like he's gone out of his way to make me suffer. He had my uncle abuse me, other foster families return and lie about me. He killed my mom because she told him she was committed to me and didn't have time for a man. Tonight I killed him because I felt I had no choice" I was crying by the end of the confession

"How did you kill him"

"I used his own gun"

"Why didn't you put the gun down and show forgiveness"

"He had a knife at my friends throat if I didn't shoot he would've killed her"

"Don't worry child God still loves you"

"It doesn't feel like it. He's constantly challenges my faith and I'm 8 it's only going to get worse. Sometimes I feel like he hates me"

"No he doesn't. He loves you so much. These trial will help you grow as a person"

"For your penance 10 Hail Marys"

(I'm not catholic so if this is wrong I do apologize)

"Yes father"

We exited and sat back in our seat to talk

"What was your mother like"

"She was amazing! She even had me despite how I was conceived"

"How were you conceived"

"My mother had recently taken her temporary vows. She wanted to be a religious sister all her life because she loved helping others. One of the priests on the mission trip she went on assaulted her. The church didn't believe her and shunned her for spreading lies about the father. She left that trip early but her nunnery was understanding and helped her. She gave birth to me despite how much her family pressure her into having an abortion"

"Your mother was a strong and brave women. Did she ever complete her vows"

"She did take her final vows and went to Spain with me for mission work. Then she met him"

"I have no doubt that your mother is at peace in heaven watching her little boy grow up"

"Sometimes I feel that if I wasn't born she'd be alive and happy"

"You have your mothers big heart but I assure you that if given the opportunity to do everything again she'd do it the same way just so she'd have you for 4 years"

"Whenever I felt sad I escape to a church with her rosary. Just sitting here makes me feel so much closer to her. It's like she here with me"

"She'll always be with you"

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