Chapter 20

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Wyatt's POV:

I just got home from practice and I smell that dad cooked. It smells amazing

"Go talk to your father" daddy tells me and I nod then head to the kitchen. He has his back facing me and I'm nervous what if he doesn't forgive me

"I can feel you staring" he speaks

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said, I didn't mean it. I was just so angry and scared it just came out. You're the best dad in the whole wide world and I love you so much" tears were streaming down my face

He turned around and pulled me into a tight hug

"Don't cry Ash I forgive you"

"Thank you"

"Now take off your cleats you're dragging dirt in. Also take a shower you reek, then come down for dinner. Okay?"


After a much needed shower I go to my room to change. I notice something on my bed. It's a photo album.

I open it and it's pictures of me and mom. We were so happy. My eyes began to water. This was our original album from when I was a baby until she passed. I reach the last picture we took together and it's me standing in a shopping cart at the store. Mom and I are taking a selfie together.

I turn the page knowing it's blank and end up dropping the book. It's a picture of mom that night. I pick it up and turn the next few pages and they're just crime scene photos. The last page has a picture Perez taking a selfie with her lifeless corpse.

She's naked and I don't understand why he did that to her. My mom never bothered anyone, she was a gentle soul. Why did he send me this. I see a note and I open it

"Dear Sunny,

I just thought you'd want this book of memories. I added a couple pages for the fun of it. She really was beautiful even in the end, such a shame you told. I would've let her go, but you had to be a hero. Well this is a friendly reminder of where that big heart of yours gets the people you love.

The Lombardi's may be my friends but I don't care to murder them to hurt you. You may think I'm cruel and I assure you, I am. I enjoy this little game we have. It's like the story of the 3 little pigs except I'll never let you reach the brick house.

You've been talking too much. I'd prefer you mute again so zip it or I'll talk to the judge about releasing your uncle. Just kidding I already have he missed you. If that's not enough to keep you shut maybe your love for your friends will.

I'll torture and kill every last one of them, except for the girl. I'll be sure to put her to good use like I did your mother.

Yours truly, Perez"

I took the note and shoved it in the book. Then I hid the book deep in my closet so my dads wouldn't find it.

All I wanted to do was cry but I won't let him win this time. One Saturday I'm going to kill him so he can never hurt me or anyone I love again.

"Hey bud time for dinner" daddy said and I nodded

Dad made shrimp and chicken carbonara

"Do you like it Ash" I nodded

"What's wrong you look like you've seen I ghost" daddy asked

"I'm fine, just tired"

"Well then eat up then go to bed" I nodded

The next day

I'm sitting in my seat with my head down when I feel a tap on my shoulder

"Hey Wyatt are you feeling better I'm sure that yesterday was a lot" Jesse asks and I just nod

"Do you wanna be friends with us still"

"Yeah I do I just have a lot on my mind especially with Perez there Saturday"

"What's your deal with Uncle Alejandro anyways" Jesse says

"He's a bad person and you should be careful around him"

"What would you know about him"

"More than you" I said annoyed

"You didn't even know about their business"

"I knew about it, just not my families involvement" I rolled my eyes

"My uncle hasn't done anything to you so grow up you big baby"

"Listen Im trying to be nice but I'm going to need you to stay out of my business before I pop that perfect little bubble you live in. News flash people actually struggle" I told her and put my head back down

"I don't live in a bubble" I ignored her

"Just leave him Jesse we can talk after school at the tree house" Emmet said

"Oh yeah your dad said you could spend the day with us at our tree house so you're carpooling with my dad" Lance said and I gave a thumbs up while continuing to keep my head down

"Okay today class we're going to start our lesson on multiplication blah blah blah" I toned her out and looked out the window. It was going to rain. That means mom wants to talk to me like dad said

"Wyatt pick your head up and pay attention. If you ask me later I won't help you"

"It's only 1-12 multiplication not rocket science" I said bored

"Oh really if you get these next three questions right you can nap and do whatever you want the entire day"






"12x17" she asked with a smirk

"204 and it was only 1-12 you cheated"

"Well enjoy your day off Wyatt"

"Trust me I will" I put my head pack down and slept


Ohhh he's smart smart


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🌧

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