Chapter 45

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Wyatt's POV:

First day back from thanksgiving break and teachers are already doing the most. I have health first period while Jesse and the guys have English.

I go to take my seat

"Wait class before you sit down be sure to look at the board to see your new assigned seat"

I look on the board and I'm all the way in the back left corner

'At least I'm by the door' I think

"Okay class so the person sitting next to you will be your partner for the rest of the year" most people groaned

"You all have yourselves to blame since you didn't take class seriously when you sat with your friends. Now moving on you will have to create and perform a skit with your partner about a specific topic I'm going to assign and it'll be due on Friday so you have the week"

"YAY more homework" I say in a monotone voice and I hear a giggle besides me. I look over and see a pretty blonde girl

"Since we're stuck with each other now I'm Dakota but you can call me Kota" she smiled

"I'm Wyatt but you can call me Wy" I returned her smile

"Wyatt and Dakota your presentation will be on Safe Sex. I'm also adding Raven to your group, she's new" the teacher says

"Hey Raven Im Wyatt and this is Dakota" I introduce she said a quick hey

"So what should our skit be about" Raven asked sounding bored. I don't blame her

"Let's just do a do's and do not's" I suggested

"Yeah like we give an example of unsafe sex then one of us says stop and we freeze. Then that person explains why it's bad and when they say start. The two acting will give a correct example" Kota ended

"Since it has to be 5 minutes we can do a couple" Raven added

"Cool where and when do we want to do it" I asked

"We can do it after school to get it over with" Raven said

"If you guys are down we can head to my place. My parents don't mind and they'll be home late" I suggested

"Bet I'm down and I brought my car" Raven agreed

"Perfect because I have volleyball practice Tuesdays and Thursdays after school" Kota said

"I have soccer Monday to Thursday but my Monday and Wednesday practices are at 10" I said

"Do you play a sport Raven" Kota asked

"I played basketball at my old school and this coach said I could tryout Thursday so fingers crossed"

"Since you're new you can join me and my friends at lunch. You can too Kota but I'm sure you'd wanna sit with your friends"

"I'll join you I usually practice volleyball in the gym since I had no one to sit with" she answered bashfully

"I'm game too" raven added

"Cool see you then" then the bell rang

Perfect timing

Skip to lunch

I meet Raven and Kota outside the cafeteria

"Let's go eat" I told them and we sat at my usual table

"Guys this is Kota and that's raven"

"Finally more females in the group! I'm Jesse by the way"

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