Chapter 10

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Wyatt's POV:

Today's my first day with the big kids and I'm so excited. I'm also meeting Dad's family after practice which I'm nervous for. He says they'll love me but I can't help but feel scared.

"WY TIME TO GO" Daddy yelled up the stairs

"COMING" I ran to the stairs and slid down the railing

Same thing happened but this time dad caught me and gave me a pointed look

"I'm pretty sure we've told you not to slide down like that"

"Sorry I forgot"

"I hope a weekend without TV will remind you" I pouted and he put me down then ruffled my hair

"Dad stop" I growled like he does and he laughed

"You're too cute to be growling Ash"

"I'm not cute I'm mysterious and scary like you" he laughed even harder

"Go to the car you don't wanna be late my little comedian" I nodded and ran to the car

At practice

"Hi I'm coach Ben nice to meet you" I waved

"Okay so this is a championship winning so we train much harder than the 8 year olds. If I feel you aren't holding up I'll send you back down. I yell a lot so be prepared okay" I nodded and walked to our section of the field

"Who's little brother is that" a brown hair boy asked they all responded with not mine

"Im on the team" I mumbled

"Sorry the babies play on Sunday" he said and they all laughed. I decide to just ignore them and stretch

"Okay boys now that you've stretched sprint 4 times around the field" coach yelled and we all took off

"I was in the middle of the crowd at the start but by lap 4 I was in the front

"Good job pint size" Coach yelled

"Now crossing drills"

I did them perfectly

"Shooting drills"

I made every shot

"Okay break off into teams"

I was last pick which sucked but I Whatever I guess I'm here to play

By the end of the practice game I scored 6 times and broke almost all their ankles

"Wow you guys can all learn something from Wyatt" coach said then dismissed us

I was walking away until someone tripped me

"How does dirt taste" one kid sneered I think his name is Owen

"You think you're better than us well you can go fuck yourself" Jordan said

"His name kinda sounds like Twat"

"What does that mean" they started whispering and laughing

"Wyatt the Twat that name really fits" they walked away laughing

"Fuck off at least he doesn't have a girls name Kelly" one of the boys on the team said

"Suck my dick Travis my name is unisex" and he stormed off


"No problem they're assholes cause they suck" he said

I ran to the car and buckled up

"You did really good today how are the kids treating you" I just shrugged

"What's wrong buddy are you tired" I shrugged again

We got home and lots of people were staring

"Hi" I mumbled and two women came running and hugged me

"Jesus let him breathe mom" dad said

"Sorry baby, I'm just so excited to meet my first grand baby" she apologized

"It's Okay you give nice hugs" I smiled

"Aww I wanna keep him" the other woman said

"No Zia he's ours" that made me giggle

"Wyatt these are my younger brothers, my cousins, aunt and uncle, and parents" he said while pointing at them

"Hi Im Wyatt" I said nervously

After learning all their names we sat down for dinner

"So Wyatt how was soccer"

"It was alright coach yells a lot but not at me cause I try not to mess up"

"That's good"

"He was really good he embarrassed all those kids and they're all 3-4 years older than him" Daddy bragged

"No fucking way, we should play together" Xander I think said or was he Xavier

"Language he's 8" grandpa growled

Man I wish I could growl so scary

"I'd love to play" I beamed

"So what else do you do beside play soccer"

"I watch Tv and dad and daddy" I answered m

They awwwed and had their own conversation

Then I remembered what the kids said

"Hey dad what does Twat mean" he choked on his chicken and everyone stared at me

"Where did you learn that word" Uncle Lorenzo asked

"Some of the boys on the team said that. Is it bad"

"Yeah it's a really bad word buddy don't say it again okay" Matteo said and I nodded

They continued their boring conversation and I was falling asleep. My head kept dropping and it would wake me up.

"Looks like it's Wyatt's bedtime say goodnight" dad said

"Goodnight family it was really nice to meet you all even the really scary one" I pointed at Ace and they laughed

Dad picked me up then tucked me in



Thanks for reading


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