Chapter 38

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Trigger warning ⚠️

Wyatt's POV:

My dads left after they dropped me off at school. Now I'm waiting for morfar.

It's been an hour and it looks like it's gonna start raining. I decide to walk home since they're clearly not coming

After another hour I get home... soaked

"Where in God's name were you" morfar yells

"At school"

"Don't lie you finished over 2 hours ago"

"Yeah and you didn't pick me up so I sat there for an hour waiting then I walked home"

"Don't raise your voice at me little boy" Ugh this guy is a butt. I should've listened to daddy and stayed with nonno

"Can I go change. I'm cold" I ask bored

"No that's for your punishment for being disrespectful. Now go sit in the kitchen and do your homework. Be grateful I'm being liniment, if you were Oscar I would've made your ass red" wow that borders the lines of abuse

I went to the kitchen and finished my homework. It's now around 6:30 and tonight I have practice at 8

I put away my schoolwork and change into my soccer clothes. I fix my soccer bag then head downstairs.

"Hi Morfar ready to take me to practice" I ask

"No wyatt it's raining"

"We still have practice but don't worry you can wait in the car like all the other parents do" I reassure him

"No Wy you'll get sick" granny penny said

"Well I haven't gotten sick before and dad pays so it's a massive waste of money when I miss"

"Stop acting so spoiled. Soccer is a privilege and considering how late you got home you shouldn't be insisting so much" Evangeline joined in

"I wasn't aware I had to walk home. It's not my fault I was late"

"Take some responsibility boy" pastor said

"After you do. You were supposed to pick me up but you neglected that responsibility" suddenly I felt a sting across my cheek and I was on the floor


"Change and go upstairs before I beat you" he threatened

"Yes sir" I said bitterly

I went upstairs and changed into PJS. I stayed up here the rest of the evening. My bedtime is 10:30 so I got on my knees and prayed like I do every night. Then I went to bed


"Wake up boy" I'm yanked out of bed by the pastor

"What time is it" I ask groggy


"Why did you wake me up so early" I ask annoyed

"We pray at 5:15 every morning. It's good for the soul" penny adds

"What does this have to do with me"

"It's a family tradition so now you'll pray with us" Evangeline says

"So we each pray individually" I asked still a little confused

"No we read the holy scripture and recite prayers of our church"

"Well I can't participate, but I'll be more than happy to stay up with you three"

"You're gonna get on your knees and pray with us"

"I'm Roman Catholic"

"Do you want to get hit so early in the morning"

"I don't care! You can't beat the religion out of me"

"We'll see about that" suddenly I felt myself being pinned to the ground

I turned to see my aunt and grandma holding my arms down. I tried to fight back but they over powered me





"Good maybe that'll teach you to listen"



"What and your father had the audacity to threaten me when his brothers hit you too"


"She was happy before you"

I didn't respond to him. Uncle Leon was a mean drunk. He says I killed mommy and ruined her life but I didn't, that mean man did. I tried to help

"I loved her so much. She was all I had after mom and dad died then you came along" he says bitterly


The force knocked me over


"Don't call me uncle demon"

I heard him fumble with his belt then shortly felt the sting across my back







End flashback

"Snap out of it" someone yells bringing me back to reality

I'm sitting in the shower and the water is cold

"I'm gonna get ready for school" I got out of the tub

After I was dressed I grabbed my bag and went downstairs

"Listen boy you tell anyone about this and we'll tell them it was that fag and his mate"

"Okay sir"

"You should get going before you're late to school. Being dropped off is a privilege you have yet to earn"

"Yes ma'am" my scalp began to burn as she pulled my hair

"I'm not a stranger I'm mormor" guess that's grandma in Swedish

"Ja mormor" I've heard dad say yes before in Swedish

I began my commute to school halfway through a car pulled up beside me

"Wyatt why are you walking and all by yourself"

Lance's mom asked

"Dad and daddy are out of town and my grandparents are too busy so here we are" I faked a smile and lied

"Well get in" she said opening the door

It hurts to sit and lean against things but this feeling isn't new

This is gonna be a long month


Fuck his Oscar's family


Thanks for reading

Mwah 🖕🏾

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